Anyone Else Jonesin For Spring?


New Member
A little more than four months and counting where I live, I feel like an 5yr old kid waiting for Christmas. Even though I grow indoors, I can't wait for spring to come.
Maybe it's just me, but the thought of free natural lighting and the superior taste (IMHO) that the sun and soil contributes to my crops gives me something to look forward to all winter long.
Not that I don't enjoy indoor cultivation cause I do, but it seems more like work, where growing under the sun is more like a rewarding hobby.

For only the cost of nutes and my own labor, it's the perfect time for me to grow smaller yielding connoisseur strains and replenish my personal medical stash.
Does anyone else save the lower yielding and/or landrace strain grows for outdoors and what's your favorites?

:peace: Keep um hangin


Well-Known Member
Now there's a word I haven't heard in some time, jonesin lol. I always enjoy spring, everything comes alive, there is nothing better then watching a marijuana seed no bigger then the eraser on your pencil grow into something bigger then yourself within a 5-6 month period. Its incredible. As far as outdoor strains I am just always trying to get my hand on new seeds, bag seeds, seeds from seed banks online. When you breed different seeds together properly you can open up gene pools in the offspring. You start those offspring, you could be seeing traits and characteristics from a plant that has not been seen in thousands of years. Ive had some odd look plants before with all sorts of deformities and all kinds of variations of buds. And spring is when it all happens. Cant get much better going out at sunrise walkin a mile or two into the woods and prepping a home for your plants.


Well-Known Member
I am shitting my pants im so excited for spring!! I wanna grow again soo badly!!!

All I do all day is think about next years grow!


Well-Known Member
lol....I was jonesin' so badly I drove to Seattle and bought 5 clones! Funny how quickly I got over the "I'm so sick of this" during harvest...

The rationalization was to veg them for a few weeks, then take clones for our 2012 outdoor grows. The reality is it's nice to have those beautiful green plants growing so fast you can see the difference daily. Strawberry Diesel, Chem 4, Super Skunk, Pure Kush, and Caveman (not looking good).

If it works, we will supply 3 medical gardens for a $75 investment. If it doesn't, I will have had $75 worth of pleasure watching something grow during the darkest, dreariest months of the year in the PNW. Still need to find Blue Dream and a couple other favorites, but this scratched that grow itch that was getting bad!


Active Member
yes - ordering seeds next week, ordered nutrients already. Germinated a few seeds already. I grow outside.



Well-Known Member
Yea, I can hardly wait either. I have indoor going too, but like you said, that's more like a job. I do what your talking about as far as growing those lower yielding, personal use strains. I try to get a spring crop outside, and do alot of personal smoke and test seeds during that grow, and then grow only the really big yeilders in the main summer garden.


Well-Known Member
im in the same boat... doing the prepwork for spring growth now:)

and indoor isn't more of a job when you're doing a medium sized or large outdoors... you'll find yourselves doing much more manual labor with the outdoor plants...


Well-Known Member
I am almost ready to explode, I wanna start growing again!

Only three months till i get to start em inside

Im hopin for a short winter in MN this year

I wanna get out there and dig holes and buy nutes and mix up some supersoil


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah been so warm here ready start now 50 degree average. But sure that will change soon . Got my ww and some purple bud suppose be good. And of course some old dirt weed to keep the thieves at bay. Got throw them bastard a couple obvious to find so they move on lol.


New Member
Oh I agree that the labor is much more demanding, but I was referring indoor grows as more like a job, not more of a job. But I always look past the labor part of it cause I really am content and in my element growing outdoors. To make it worse, the forecast is suppose to be 63-65 degrees here today, what a big tease!


Well-Known Member
Spring will be here before we know it. I'm pretty eager to get started. I have some Emerald Triangle beans that I can't wait to test out.


Well-Known Member
I haven't got time to Jonses for anything, too busy making dirt, planning a new greenhouse etc. I have new beans ready to pop and will be doing that within a week or two. spring comes too fast, always unprepared, just too many things to do. I had some six footers goin last summer and of course want to grow some trees this year. That's the trouble with a good grow, always makes you want to do better and it just keeps getting harder to improve on if you did good last grow. keeps life interesting though.


Well-Known Member
Hoping all you midwesterners and east coast guys and gals watch the parade today. 80 deg. predicted for today. That's how we roll out here in Cali
Why wait for spring? lol


Well-Known Member
I haven't got time to Jonses for anything, too busy making dirt, planning a new greenhouse etc. I have new beans ready to pop and will be doing that within a week or two. spring comes too fast, always unprepared, just too many things to do. I had some six footers goin last summer and of course want to grow some trees this year. That's the trouble with a good grow, always makes you want to do better and it just keeps getting harder to improve on if you did good last grow. keeps life interesting though.
Care to share your "making dirt" plans? I'm pulling things together to do the same thing. This year I want Max Sea to be the only non-organic nutrient in the garden!


Well-Known Member
Compost for the main ingrediant. i live near a lake and every now and then the city comes around and throws landscape rakes with a rope tied to the handle and pulls out loads of seaweed that I hope to use in my pile. That's on the top of my list. The worm project worked really well and was turning out a bunch of worms and worm wizz but it was taking too much of my time fiddlin with them and the bins were fucking heavy beleive it or not so I'm not doing that. Been a leaf rakin mo fo lately though.
Here's the thing though, I actually have a life outside of pot and although I grew some bad assed plants and am just awash in DANK bud which is so great, I just can't tell you, I look forward to spring with slight trepidation. This year I plan on growing some trees and I know these suckas are just going to be monsters and I still remmber those LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG nights in the attic trimming bud. Dude I know what I said about trimming in Sept. but I have subsequently changed my mind.