Anyone ever flew with Mary Jane?


Well-Known Member
Just curious, not going to try or anything. Has anyone out there brought weed on to a plane and gotten away with it. Even if you didn't get away with it I would love to hear the story.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of lots of ppl doing it. I did it once a while back bystuffing a few dimos into the elastic of my boxers. I wouldnt reccomend it ... u never know when an airpot mite have dogs. NEVER in an international ... thats just giving them ur ass


Well-Known Member
I flew from St. Croix, USVI to Houston and had a layover in Miami. I triple bagged it, pulled my boxers up a little, tightened my belt and put the bag in between my boxers and belt. Had me worried but I made it through. I wouldnt do it again though, just had more left then I thought I would have and didnt want to throw it out or give it away so I brought it with me. Like it was mentioned before... the dogs, if they are there, they will get you.... i think. I have seen some airports where they walk the dogs around although I have only seen it a few times but I am pretty sure that if they walked past you they would probably point you out for sure. You have to also think about the secondary check. I got one the last time I flew to where I am now and they would find it then too because they pat you down.


Well-Known Member
as long as you don't have metal weed you should be fine. They don't xray you at the airport just your bags.


Well-Known Member
last year my girlfriends dad came from puerto rico. he a TRUE STONER.. smoking for longer than ive been alive. but anyway, he arrived, he said hi to everybody... we walk outside, he pulls out some NEON GREEN herb outta his front pocket of his shirt, gets some papers, rolls it up, and DAMN I WAS BLAZED!!!

he had the herb in his shirt pocket the whole way.


Well-Known Member
I'd imagine checked baggage would not be wise, a few grams discreetly tucked away inside a waist band should FLY just fine. Perhaps plastic wrap and a piece of clothes dryer fabric softener sheet.. Flyings gotta be safer than getting stopped by the police patrol car with dog. International flights are much more unpredictable, get caught in Malaysia they just hang ya..


Well-Known Member
I'd imagine checked baggage would not be wise, a few grams discreetly tucked away inside a waist band should FLY just fine. Perhaps plastic wrap and a piece of clothes dryer fabric softener sheet.. Flyings gotta be safer than getting stopped by the police patrol car with dog. International flights are much more unpredictable, get caught in Malaysia they just hang ya..

those locked up abroad shows are crazy. I think they had an episode on Malaysia before... seen those?


Well-Known Member
:) i flew with marijane on my skateboard.... was a 4 second flight....

glad the police didnt catch me ^^

sry stoned ^^ but i have flewn with weed, just not in an airplane...

* i'll get my coat *


Well-Known Member
i have on a domestic flight. bag in my pocket, many many times.

ever notice how when you're in line at the security checkpoint, 99% of people walk right through without any interruption.

make sure there's nothing in your carry-on stuff that's going to arouse suspicion and make sure there's nothing on your person that'll set off the metal detector.

FBI Freeze

Active Member
I always get stopped and searched. I don't even look suspicious.
Also, don't wear a belt... They set off the alarms and get you searched.


Well-Known Member
Also if you have 4 S (SSSS) near the bottom of your ticket, you will be going through secondary search. Learned that this last time. And you have a pretty good chance of going through secondary if you book your flight at the last minute.

xSiR ToKeS AlOtx

Active Member
this year i went to greece with my mate and took some (was solid though) i was actually shitting my pants but it was well worth it. you cant beat a spliff and a swim! and it was so good sitting in the sun smoking a doobie! lol its making me well happy thinkin back and it was only like 2 months ago!!!


Well-Known Member
haha i checked an ounce of hash in with my luggage once, and then when i got to my destination and weighed it turned out to be like 30+ grams.

I wasnt really trippin though, just put it in a smellproof canning jar, and stick it with containers that look similar like in your bathroom articles.


New Member
I have taken a sack with me twice and jut put it in my pants. I'm pretty large in the trousers, so they never suspected.:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Just curious, not going to try or anything. Has anyone out there brought weed on to a plane and gotten away with it. Even if you didn't get away with it I would love to hear the story.
The only safe way is to travel is with baked goodies like brownies or cookies. That's the only way i risk it. I eat one while i am waiting to get on the plane and i have a nice buzz by the time i board. Flying high is the only way to