anyone grown dna connie chung and g13 pineapple express?


Well-Known Member
Ive never grown either before and those two along with a master kush (which i have grown before) pop'd last night and i put them in soil. im growing those 3 in 1gal grow bags under a 150w digital hps. my space is about 1.5 x 1.5 maybe 2x2....somewhere in that range. im using kellogg soil (the variety comparable to ocean forest...forget the name)

any warnings on these strains? anything to watch for?

im asking because i will only be able to visit this grow 3 straight days of the week and be forced to be away from the grow for the following 4days per week. in the 4 days ill be gone my gf will handle them (she has no grow experience) for me. ill be having her just water them (ill feed them while im there)...routinely raise the light as they grow and look out for abnormal plant growth (yellowing, spots ,etc)

im scared sh*tless because she has NO experience and this grow will depend on her (half of the time).

are these hard to grow for someone im gonna be coaching?


Well-Known Member
any info on if it grows tall or short? (im hoping the connie chung and pexpress grow similar in height.)
picky on nutes? susceptible to overfeeding like say the strawberry cough?
how about yield (since this 150w grow has to provide enough smoke for both of us)

ive heard nothing but good things about connie but ive read lots of mixed reviews on the pineapple express.


Well-Known Member
it will grow as you want it mate, its all down to training and shit. i have had them 5 foot tall and two foot wide, also 2 foot tall and 5 foot wide, just depends how you grow them mate.


I have no experience with CC But PE is one of my favorites to grow! I got 5 fem seeds and have popped 2 so far! I got 2 different phenos and both are top shelf smoke! The better of the 2 has a flower time of 54 days and grows about 4 ft tall with no training and 3 weeks veg! Big fat snowy nugs that smell and taste great! Moderately high yeilder! The second pheno has the same size but buds are lighter and the taste is slightly different than the first with a lighter yield! The flower time is alot shorter on this phenos also 45ish days til amber trichs start to take over! I have ran them with different nutes and different methods with same results! PE loves the food so feed her well!


Man, me and CC has had some times. First, she smk sweet, and was very heady with the high. I did pull early tho. The name is very fitting, YOUR EYELIDS WILL FEEL HEAVY, lol. She was about 2.5ft, i before i switched to 12/12. Veg for 2 and a half months, yielded 3.5 oz. It was my first run so, i felt real good about it. Funny thing is i got PE with last year's summer promo, with CC. PE died on me, overfed her to early, i was sad as shit, cuz i really wanted that strain out of all i bought, and i got that free lol. But back to CC, i went by the book on flowering times, and i found that it would of been killer if i waited an extra week. She's brushy too, i wish i had lstd her, but i was a rook.


Well-Known Member
Man, me and CC has had some times. First, she smk sweet, and was very heady with the high. I did pull early tho. The name is very fitting, YOUR EYELIDS WILL FEEL HEAVY, lol. She was about 2.5ft, i before i switched to 12/12. Veg for 2 and a half months, yielded 3.5 oz. It was my first run so, i felt real good about it. Funny thing is i got PE with last year's summer promo, with CC. PE died on me, overfed her to early, i was sad as shit, cuz i really wanted that strain out of all i bought, and i got that free lol. But back to CC, i went by the book on flowering times, and i found that it would of been killer if i waited an extra week. She's brushy too, i wish i had lstd her, but i was a rook.
holy crap! what kind of lighting did you use? watts? what was the pot size? how many plants under this light?
2 and a half months is awefully long for only 3.5 oz so im just wondering if this is a low yielding strain lol.

im still trying to determine the size difference between connie and p.e.

oh i also got the connie and p.e. as freebies thru attitude...we must have ordered during the same promo (cant remember wat promo it was)