Anyone here roll their own cigarettes?


Well-Known Member
Oh I've smoked my share of Natives lmao The blue striped ones aren't bad, but those gold ones are pretty nasty (keeping them in the freezer makes them okay).

If you can, drop me a pm with the address. I wanted to buy a couple bags a while ago, but didn't know where any reserves were.

But I think for now I'm gonna try rolling my own. I'm not doing it just for the price, the idea of rolling my own cigarettes appeals to me for some reason.


Well-Known Member
mine r jus brown tipped, no lines... ill PM when i get the addy.. my mom goes so she knows.. ill see her this week so when i get it, ill give it...


Well-Known Member
Oh the brown tipped are okay, also the cheapest of the Natives, although they're packed waaay too tight, they burn for like half an hour.

@northwoodsmoker: Rolling tobacco is way less nasty than commercial cigarettes. For one it's actually chopped up tobacco leaf, whereas cigarette tobacco is reconstituted tobacco, which is basically tobacco based paper. They actually add in nicotine because most of it is lost in the process of reconstituting. It's the furthest possible thing from tobacco.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be much cheaper than regular cigarettes in Canada. Fucking taxes man. I don't see why an adult with the ability to make his own choices has to be forced out of smoking by soaring prices, just 'cause the government says it's bad. What ever happened to free will?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be much cheaper than regular cigarettes in Canada. Fucking taxes man. I don't see why an adult with the ability to make his own choices has to be forced out of smoking by soaring prices, just 'cause the government says it's bad. What ever happened to free will?

im one of many who quitcuz of prices.... 9 bucks is waaaaay too much.


Well-Known Member
Ya, I got these little foam filters, already ran out of tobacco and filters and 4 packs of papers lol

Now I'm too broke to buy another pack of tobacco.