Anyone know about medical marijuana rights?


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Staff member
Let's pull ALL these replies together, shall we? I said this on your first page.

You reply on my wall, profile page etc....... LOL What's wrong kiddo you have no spine? If I have a beef with someone I don't run around trying to call them names so others wouldn't see. So let's gather your childish pejoratives together and answer them in one place and work this out here.

Unlike you who can't negotiate traffic without attracting police interest, I can get out to the vet, food store etc... to buy my dogs what they need. So I'm guessing my dogs could outlive you. Assuming you continue down your adolescent path.

Oh dear I wish I could introduce you to my daughters. One is a competitive weight lifter who separated not to long ago from the US Navy chances are she could bench press you. My older girl, the one you wish to fuck, is a cop. She's a very lovely girl and I am sure she'd help you get your minimum daily requirement of asphalt you seem to crave.


Now your crowning glory an attempt at an ad hominem attack. You missed the comma after Fucking cunt. You forgot the period after problems. You misspelled Fucken in the body. Is that really the best you can do? I am disappointed in the youth of today assuming you are any type of representative sample.

You meant to hurt me but I'm not. I am actually quite at peace with my heart and back problems. They don't limit me they have instead given me the grace to slow down and enjoy this life before I leave it. If I had not been graced with these issues I would have died without ever getting off the treadmill. So I am truly and fully blessed to have been given the motivation to change my attention from a very demanding job.

If I die tomorrow my life has been full of wonderful adventures and learning. I have never had to eat pavement for distracted driving.

Grow up kiddo, there is a lot more to life than trolling on the 'net. You need to flush this account and start over.

Now to answer you in the language you seem to speak.

Capisci? Verstehen sie? Lo entiendes? Get it? Let the games begin :)

PS If your next interchange is as pitifully lacking as this one I'm putting you on ignore. So let's see what ya got if you want to go a round or two I happen to have an opening on my dance card. I'm your huckleberry.


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Well-Known Member
I hope your dogs go through what they did more before they die
Show a pic of your ugly daughters, I'll print the pics and jizz on them and post them back. Your competitive body builder is disgusting and not a woman. You're at peace cause you have no other option... I'm glad you've been have pains for 20 years


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I hope your dogs go through what they did more before they die
English much?

Show a pic of your ugly daughters, I'll print the pics and jizz on them and post them back. Your competitive body builder is disgusting and not a woman.
No pumpkin you started this. You bring the show of proof first, let's see that teeny weeny.

You're at peace cause you have no other option...
I'm at peace because I'm on a low asphalt diet.

I'm glad you've been have pains for 20 years
Make 24 years of pain, longer than your childish lack of intellect has been on this planet. I'm on my way out to run 4 miles on this shredded mitral valve and broken spine. Can you do that? Didn't think so, LOL

Now to translate so you don't have to use an unfamiliar idiom you are obviously struggling with.
I hope your dogs go through what they did more before they die
Show a pic of your ugly daughters, I'll print the pics and jizz on them and post them back. Your competitive body builder is disgusting and not a woman.

You're at peace cause you have no other option...

I'm glad you've been have pains for 20 years

Please try to up your game before I get back, this is really sad


Well-Known Member
What I did worked fine you cunt bitch. If you want to spread hate and negativity towards someone, expect the kind of response you got. You don't want to get attacked and deal with "adolescent kids," then don't be a hateful cunt unladylike bitch, simple as that.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I hope your dogs go through what they did more before they die
Show a pic of your ugly daughters, I'll print the pics and jizz on them and post them back. Your competitive body builder is disgusting and not a woman. You're at peace cause you have no other option... I'm glad you've been have pains for 20 years
Watch your fucking mouth, puto. I will rape your tight little asshole till you bleed all over my crooked dick. Faggot!


Well-Known Member
I came in to say how dumb it is to ask for advice here for anything, (while i think of it, including growing lol) and there are two really mad people that are melting like nobody's business.

Please proceed.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
What I did worked fine you cunt bitch. If you want to spread hate and negativity towards someone, expect the kind of response you got. You don't want to get attacked and deal with "adolescent kids," then don't be a hateful cunt unladylike bitch, simple as that.
Ahh that's so sad you are repeating yourself. It appears we have exhausted your limited intellect. If you want to get someone you have to be able to use a logical progression of implied personal insults at their weak areas. Just yelling names is simply second grade tactics.

Now to answer you at your cognitive level.

"I'm rubber, you're glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks to you." .......... yawn ...........

Oh well for a moment I thought I had a live one. Added to the ignore list.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Dude stfu if you lived close by I would have met up with you acting friendly so you wouldn't freak out and not come then I'd penetrate your ass with a steel bar and drown you
Doubt it, I'm a very skilled swimmer. If you lived next to me I would walk up to your dad and kick him in his tiny penis. Then I would plant some explosives in your mom's vagina. Those people have no business reproducing.


Well-Known Member
Doubt it, I'm a very skilled swimmer. If you lived next to me I would walk up to your dad and kick him in his tiny penis. Then I would plant some explosives in your mom's vagina. Those people have no business reproducing.
Your parents are mexican so they have no business being in America or alive for that fact. Fuck Mexicans. I would fuck the crap out of your mom and you know how Mexicans are she would