Anyone know anything about Paroxetine (Paxil)????


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, need some input here!!

I stumbled upon a baggie containing 10 pink tablets that I have identified (via the web) as being Paroxetine, an anti-depressant. I found this baggie hidden in a drawer in my kitchen. I am a single parent with a 19 year-old daughter who I love very much. I am well aware that she is just as big of a pothead as I am, and in fact we get high together on a regular basis, but she also knows I have little tolerance for other drugs.

Now don't get me wrong --- I've literally snorted mounds of coke and eaten way more high-grade acid and shrooms than I care to admit in my youger days. THAT is why I am concerned. I paid a HEAVY price for those things, including several years of my life in incarceration back in the 80's --- that is why I am VERY protective about my little girl and worry about what she may be doing with these. Is this a pharaceutical that people now take to get "high"???? I've never heard of this stuff, and it may be quite harmless, but I can't find much info on it on the web other than identifying what the pills are. I do know that it is a prescription-only drug, so I really don't want to have to ask the cops what this shit is used for (I have several cop friends that I grew up with who are in reality some of the biggest stoners I have ever known [in fact one of them used to be the biggest dealer in this area!!], but that is a whole other story, lol).
Any input any of ya'll can provide will be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad:


You can't really get high off of it unless you are bi polar like me and it kicks you into mania. (Not recommended)

I would be more worried that she is having depression problems.

But it is strange that it would be in a baggie. Perhaps someone is passing it off as X or something.

I don't really think the drug has much abuse potential at all.


Well-Known Member
You can't really get high off of it unless you are bi polar like me and it kicks you into mania. (Not recommended)

I would be more worried that she is having depression problems.

But it is strange that it would be in a baggie. Perhaps someone is passing it off as X or something.

I don't really think the drug has much abuse potential at all.
i agree

paxil is not recreational
it is pretty weird though
i wouldn't recommend a steady diet of that crap


Well-Known Member
You can't really get high off of it unless you are bi polar like me and it kicks you into mania. (Not recommended)

I would be more worried that she is having depression problems.

But it is strange that it would be in a baggie. Perhaps someone is passing it off as X or something.

I don't really think the drug has much abuse potential at all.
She IS Bi-polar!!!! But I am very worried about the depression thing. Last November her boyfriend was killed on his motorcycle one morning while on his way to our house (he got literally run over by a fucking bitch high on prescription pain meds -- except she had taken approximately 6 times the prescribed dosage!!!). He was planning on proposing to her that weekend, and had asked my permission to marry her 2 days earlier (which I must say , I would have been damned proud to have him as a son-in-law, but it wasn't to be :sad:).

I am well aware that she has been depressed a lot since then, but if she needed meds the doctor would have no problem giving them to her. Finding them hidden and in a baggie sent up MAJOR warning signs to me. Maybe I'm just getting overly cautious in my old age, but there is absolutely NOTHING, including killing or dying, that I won't do for my daughter. This kind of stuff just scares the hell out of me as a parent. I mean, I have absolutely NO problem with her smoking pot, but pills are a whole different story --- especially when she is already on probation (only 2 more months and she'll be done with that shit as long as she stays out of trouble!). I'm just very worried about her attempting to self-medicate without knowing what she is doing.:-(


Well I hope you can talk to her about it.

If she really is bi polar the mania that these pills can induce can make one feel really REALLY great, but the delusions and other dangerous behavior (for me it was excessive gambling, alcoholism, drug use, the delusions I experienced also caused me massive problems) that generally also come along with it are really bad.

When I was initially prescribed antidepressants before I was diagnosed with bi polar I completely ignored my psychiatrist when she told me to stop taking them, because at the time I was delusional and thought I knew better than the doctors. It wasn't until I ran out that I realized the damage I had done to my life.

You really have to try to talk to her and get her to a psychiatrist. Some people can cope with that kind of depression, some can't. And you are 100% correct that this isn't the type of thing to self medicate with.

There are other complications anti depressants can cause with bi polar as well. When I quit taking anti depressants for me it turned my type 2 into "ultra ultra fast cycling bi polar" which basically made me go up and down in a matter of hours or minutes at times.

I am trying to inform you of a personal experience and not frighten you. The situation can easily level itself out if she is off the anti depressants and back on her normal medication (if she takes bi polar medication, I for one can't live without it).

I hope you guys can have a good talk and things are OK. Having experienced a lot of depression and mental health issues in my short life, as well as having a family riddled with mental health issues, I take this kind of thing deadly seriously and I think everyone should.


Well-Known Member
I have no personal experience with any of the stuuf talked about here. But as someone who cares, I would strongly advise talking to her about it. Do not mention your stong views on taking "harder" drugs recreationally, as she may have been sold it as something else and you want her to be truthful with you. My main advice is to talk to her as calmly and respectfully as possible and if it is a problem try and persuade her to get some proffesional help. The above post seems like the most useful post your gunna get.

I wish you the best of luck (both of you).

Weedman x


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Paxil; Seroxat

Antidepressant; SSRI

Paroxetine is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) used in the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic disorder.

Maybe she is just depressed and was hiding her medication, talk to her about it. See if she is depressed.


Active Member
I've known people that hide their depression from everyone including doctors and buy anti-depressants from someone who has those meds. Or she could just be hiding them in a baggy, hoping to avoid you finding the bottle. She may just want to hide the fact that she's depressed from you, to avoid having you worry about her. The key is talk to her in an open and caring way. Many people suffering from depression won't be the one who opens the conversation on it, they just keep it inside until someone else opens the communication. I've been battling severe depression and severe anxiety for years and I've never been able to start the conversation on it, but when someone asks me in a truly caring way, I'm more then happy to open up. I wouldn't be worried about her trying to get high off of pills as much as I would be worried that she is suffering from a case of depression. Hope this helps a bit.


Well-Known Member
Thank VERY much guys!!!!!!!!

I'll sit down and talk to her in the morning over our "breakfast bowl", lol (We often will sit out on the back porch and smoke a bowl or two together before going to work/classes). She and I have a VERY open relationship, and we have never had a problem with either of us being completely open and honest with each other. At times that can be quite embarrassing because she tends to give me a LOT more information than I really need/want to know at times, lol.