ANYONE know how tall they will grow???


Active Member
Im aware that the growth is different between indica and sativa, so i guess im asking for both, but out of curiousity... growing hydroponically, do plants more often stay shorter and bushy as compared to outdoor soil? Just letting the plant go in a 10 ft high room and not topping it, approximately how tall will the plant get before harvest? And is it true that you can harvest in just a couple months after sprouting and everything be great?


Well-Known Member
Its all in how tall the plant is when you flower it. A good rule of thumb Indicas will double in size from the time your put it into flower. sativas will triple in hight or more.


Active Member
To get a plant that tall and have it still be healthy you would have to have some SERIOUS lighting on it. 3000w I'm guessing. But why would you want a gigantic plant anyhow? Why not 4-5 smaller plants in the same space that will probably give you the same if not more bud. And God forbid you grow a monster and it turns out to be male, that would really suck hard.