anyone know what this could be?


Active Member
I'm not sure if its a combination of light stress and nutrient burn or its just one or the other but its been about 4 days since i flushed my plants and they still haven't recovered from the salt buildup/nutrient burn.

What can i possibly do to help speed up the recovery?

In case anyone would like to know, The strain is called Northern Lights, I'm using a 1000 watt air cooled hood which is about 2 feet away from the plants at all time,The overall temperature in the room is about 74 degrees Fahrenheit and 75-76 where the plants are at. I'm using a soil less mix and these plants are in their 6th week of the vegetative cycle(started from seed which is why they are so small)
These are indoor plants and as far as watering cycle goes, I don't exactly have a strict feeding/watering schedule, I just go by what the plant tells me,
unfortunately though my dumbass forgot to flush the plants and they ended up getting burnt



Well-Known Member
The fading on the lower leaves suggests to me they are actually being underfed,specifically nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
You have a ph imbalance, it's evident by the veinal spotting. And it appears to be mildly affecting potassium uptake.
Dissolve 2 tablespoons of dolomite & 1/4 nutrients into a gallon of water and water with it, assuming you have already flushed. It should help to bring your medium out of an acidic state.
Also raise the lights a little. 2ft might be a bit close right now for 1000w, unless they were really thriving, which they're not. Its been a few days now so maybe its improved since, top growth looks fine.

You say no feeding schedule? Why not? It is probably what caused this.
Waiting for them to tell you what they want might work sometimes. Often times, especially in flower it can be too late.


Active Member
You have a ph imbalance, it's evident by the veinal spotting. And it appears to be mildly affecting potassium uptake.
Dissolve 2 tablespoons of dolomite & 1/4 nutrients into a gallon of water and water with it, assuming you have already flushed. It should help to bring your medium out of an acidic state.
Also raise the lights a little. 2ft might be a bit close right now for 1000w, unless they were really thriving, which they're not. Its been a few days now so maybe its improved since, top growth looks fine.

You say no feeding schedule? Why not? It is probably what caused this.
Waiting for them to tell you what they want might work sometimes. Often times, especially in flower it can be too late.

i checked the Ph of the soil that I'm using and it says that its meant for plants that thrive with a ph thats between 5.0 and 7.0
here's the soil i bought


Active Member
What was the runoff ph?
wait scratch what i just said there
i didn't check the Ph of the soil i was just reading what it said on the bag
I'm still waiting for my PH meter to arrive but until then i can only assume that the nutrients are building up and are being locked out because the soil is to acidic
In the meantime I was thinking about using hydrated horticultural lime since i do not have any dolomite on me at the moment
good idea or bad idea?


Well-Known Member
I've heard negative things about hydrated lime, someone else may have more info for ya.
But I'm really not sure, I've used only dolomite. you can get it at any major hardware store for cheap.