Anyone PLay Computer Games?


Well-Known Member
used to play and had an account with some godly characters in it, I was stupid tho and gave out my pass. well that was the end of that account :(

sometimes I think about playing agin, but then I remeber how much hunting, cubeing and how you need a bunch of mules and a friend or 2 you can trust.

and trading on there is totaly fucked, people always trying to scam and offer straight up garbage for your rare stuff or duped runes lol

I was on the west realm btw

I'll probly play Diablo 3 if that ever comes out and its free online ofcourse.


Well-Known Member
I run 6 servers located in Portland, Oregon. I would be willing to work with somthing.... I currently am a member of

Im sure GG Allin the leader would be willing to work out a sponsorship for a server, as well as vent or teamspeak.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
its a pc game. like team vs team online kinda thing...
very good i really recomend it, very addicting.
buy online from

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Tons of em! Try fallout 1 and 2....the machine guns make the most satisfying splattering noise when you shoot stuff with em!