Anyone put a HPS bulb in a MH ballast?


Well-Known Member
hey guys,

I have a ballast, the guy at the shop told me it would work with both bulbs as long as they're 400W but I don't think it will.

I don't want to put a 400W HPS in the thing and blow the bulb or anything..

So basically, I would like to know:

If I put a 400W HPS in this ballast, Will I ruin the bulb / Ballast? and what will happen? (E.g. Explode, die or nuclear bomb) Or will it just not run?
Will the ballast still work with MH?
I don't want the phyics or anything, just want to know the result of people who have done this.

It is from a flood light as all my ballast are because they end up 90% cheaper.

Thanks guys

EDIT: I just had a look at my 400W MH ballast. They're made by the same company, but look completely different. And the wiring diagram on the top of the actual Ballast is different, so it's leading me to believe it should be okay, just before I do it I wanted to consult you.


Well-Known Member
What type is the ballest? Mine run both types. But others don't. So at this time I can't tell you for sure.


Well-Known Member
Ballasts from some companies have it where you can switch mh bulbs to hps bulbs and vice versa. Some have a switch on the side fo mh and hps settings. If you are still skeptical if it would work or not. Go back to the store and ask if they have your same model and let them do the switcharooie and if it works in front of your eyes then naturally it would work on yours.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
A magnetic HPS ballast(S51/400) will fire MH and HPS bulbs equally well. A magnetic MH ballast(M59/400) will only fire MH bulbs. You can install an igniter in your MH ballast for under 20 bucks so it will fire both HPS and MH bulbs.