Anyone use these nutrients together? and are they worth buying for a hydroponic system?


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I'm a personal medical grower that's grown in soil for a couple years.. still learning lots every grow.. that being said I'm switching to a hydroponic setup and am looking for new nutrient line up and heard these where great any ideas ? Would appreciate it also if you have these, did you use the micro and bloom- with the Big Bud solution when flowering stage started ? And aswell as would you use the Big Bud with Overdrive the last 2 weeks or just on it's own with out the Big Bud ? ... any info would be greatly appreciated
Dont use the Flawless Finish , and go with the PH Perfect Line if you do , the gorilla label is not the same as the one with the frechie dog on the label with the eye glass or a hat , I cant remember , but it does say PH perfect on it , helps big time on DWC/RDWC grows and PH stableization . If you want to flush with an Agent , buy Cyco Klense , not Flawless Finish . I honeslty use SLF 100 and Enzymes and Carbs such as Cyco Sugar Rush , Emerald Harvest Honey Chrome or Bud Candy from your AN company you like there on your post. It helps stack and enrichen the armoma and resin content with the carbs and enzymes . Always PH your Flush Water . Flush for 14 days in DWC with enzymes in week 9 and 10 untill day 70 71 or 72 and find out that its truly the best frost and resin enhancer better then stripping it all withen 5 days with Flawless Finish or Cyco Kelense . Other then that ....Id rather just refer you to Cyco Platnium Series , its the same cost for the bottles and if you got the time to buy the 168 dollar starter kit with all 12 bottles , its so worth it . You get the Sugar Rush witch is your Carbs and Supa Sticky witch is my key to frosting plants out starting in week 3 not week 5 like the bottle says. The kit also has Dr. Repiar witch is the only true extra you need in the line up. Cause honestly the 2 Bases for Grow with Dr. Repair AND Cyco zyme are all you need for water culture hydro from them .
In flower its just the 2 bases with sugar rush , potash , super sticky and swell . Your truly set up for each stage with there pro starter kit. Its only 168 bucks and lasts you 3 runs easy. PH down from them is also the best and cheapest . Its truly a boss company IMO. There cyclone gel for rooting is alright , nothing speical and the cyco xl is something I didnt use yet but want to test it out .