Anyone with a 4t 8 bulb t5 vegging tent?? Looking for advice

I currently run (2) 4x4 1000w tents that I start and finish in. I'm looking to utilize this 4ft 8 bulb t5 I have to make a vegging tent. I plan to stagger the 2 flowering tents 30 days apart with a 60 day strain... Every 30 days I want to harvest 1 tent, put the plants I have under the t5 into flower, then start new clones under the t5.

It's soil btw....
What size tent would you guys suggest?
Will 6 clones under a t5 for 30 days be ready to flower in a 4x4? (I want to fill it up!) I plan to top them twice in veg...
What size pot would you guys start and finish in? (I was thinking going from 2 gal to 5)

If anyone else has a 4ft 8 bulb light they use for vegging, tell me about your setup!

Excuse me if I wasnt clear enough... but I want a 3 tent perpetual cycle. (2) 4x4 flowering tents staggered 30 days with 1000w and (1) vegging tent with the t5 to veg clones for 30 days.
I was not going to use any mother plants.... and I was planning on putting 6 plants in each flowering room. Right now I do a scrog with 4 plants in each room but I want to quit scrogging and go perpetual.


Active Member
im in a 55 x 55 inch tent for veg and cloning im useing the 4foot 8 bulb slim line for my mothers and another 6 bulb one in there for my clones and veging plants and have plunty of room, right now i have 3 mothers in there and 9 clones and 8 vegging,

depending on how big you want your clones/vegging plants to get befor you put them in 12/12 but 30 days should be plunty, but you goto acct for the time it takes clones to root to

pot size depending on plant size you want but 3 gallons are a good all around pot


Well-Known Member
I have a similar set up.. and I run hydro so my veg times are much faster, but in the two months it takes to root and veg a plant, they will WAY exceed the ability of your t5's.

What will happen is they will grow beautifully.. then they get taller... then after about 1.5 two feet tall the leaves on the bottom will start to yellow. Then they will start crowding each other which will cause them to stretch. So bottom line, you can't expect to veg plants under a T5 for that long without crowding becoming an issue. I mean, a 8 tube T5 only casts about a 4' pattern at MOST.

I veg and flower 8 plants at a time. Flower room is a SCROG with 4000 watts. After clones are rooted they spend 2-3 weeks tops under the t5. they are about 1' maybe 1.5 tall. Then they go in into two rows in a 5' x 8' tent (that I made from panda film and 2x2 for like $25) for a final two weeks of veg under a 1000 MH on a light mover.

Again, this is DWC and I flower BIG plants. well, not trees but bigger... here are some random pics so you get the idea...
