Anyone with a proud tiny mighty grow setup?


Well-Known Member
Man i'm with major tom on this one. I'm not picking sides but oregon and bf74 your kinda ruining what could have been a very nice thread with petty bickering. I'm not trying to get involved but for the sake of the rest of us can this pissing contest just end. Sounds like its gone on like this on other threads as well so i bet others are getting annoyed as well.

Hey major tom that ufc idea isn't bad why not a ufc thread for them to duke it out with words? Could be funny, could get really bad... on second thought that could be a really bad idea.


Active Member
I don't have any differences with him, I just don't like people following me around in threads like this and spamming me with multiple pm's. That was way out of line. Yes I made some jerkoff comment, which I thought was pretty damn harmless but apparently twisted your panties all the way around your nutsack and made you scream. Sorry about that, I really thought my comment was humorous not attacking.

Then you go around like a crazy man saying I fucked with the wrong dude just for that... Whoa.

Ok you dumped 1200 on some led's to grow 3z's. And I just dumped under $700 for over 14,000 watts of HIDS. To each their own.

Have a nice day.
first their is no 14,000 watts, there will never be 14,000 watts of anything in your hands.I'm pulling your card right here, once and for all.Show us some proof that you've actually have grown anything.4000 posts and nothing. what up with that.A picture is worth a thousand words.


Well-Known Member
I love freedom.
your both right.
we can hate and be in the right.
or we could be hated on and be in the right.
in this case sake.


Active Member



get the whole story pal, I dropped this shit.And am still willing to drop it. I'm here to talk growing dude, not argue with someone I'll never know.But I wont let anyone take pot shots at me would you?


Active Member
the plants are still in veg. they are all about 12 inches tall and this is my first grow but i've heard i should wait for 18-20 inches before changing the light cycle for flowering


Well-Known Member
first their is no 14,000 watts, there will never be 14,000 watts of anything in your hands.I'm pulling your card right here, once and for all.Show us some proof that you've actually have grown anything.4000 posts and nothing. what up with that.A picture is worth a thousand words.


Well-Known Member
get the whole story pal, I dropped this shit.And am still willing to drop it. I'm here to talk growing dude, not argue with someone I'll never know.But I wont let anyone take pot shots at me would you?
I agree with the not taking shit thing but i feel like instead of just defending yourself and letting your grows prowess speak for its self you've gone on the attack and are pushing this a little far. Just chill, get a bowl, bong, you know whatever you like... and lets talk about those led's youve got. I would really love to know about them. My friend and i we're talking about creating a customizable but mass producible aquarium hood and we wanted to have all the lighting in the hood be leds for obvious reasons. However we've moved away from them due to their lack of penetrating power. I guess i want to know about all of their quantitate data, like lumens, watts, etc. And then if you could give a quick summary of the growth characteristic that occur under these lights? I will be reading through the experimental threads of yours to gather my own observations as well. Also i know this question would be better asked in those experimental threads so if you would prefer to answer it in one of them and link me there from here to makes sure this question moves there i would be greatly appreciative.


Well-Known Member
Sorry fellas, I just won't respond to him again even with pictures only so if it continues it's all him yet again.

And to the last guy who asked about LED's trying to nicely divert attention and change the subject, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Sorry fellas, I just won't respond to him again even with pictures only so if it continues it's all him yet again.

And to the last guy who asked about LED's trying to nicely divert attention and change the subject, thank you.
Haha well i know it was kinda obvious but you blew up my spot there. Well whatever this threads dead anyway with major tom unsubscribed.

good luck to everyone who posted, i appreciated the attempt to pay tribute to those who make due with what little they've got and the ingenuity it entails.


Well-Known Member
get the whole story pal, I dropped this shit.And am still willing to drop it. I'm here to talk growing dude, not argue with someone I'll never know.But I wont let anyone take pot shots at me would you?

dude, if i wasn't in such a good mood ............................................. :fire:

for what you spent on your LED's you could be blowing up 2000 watts of HPS. what are you trying to prove? :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
dude, if i wasn't in such a good mood ............................................. :fire:

for what you spent on your LED's you could be blowing up 2000 watts of HPS. what are you trying to prove? :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
uh oh a big dog.

fdd i absolutely love your posts, advice, and grows. You are so helpful. I was just wondering, how you get to nearly 35,000 posts? Not knockin or anything thats just down right otherworldly. I don't think i would have the patience for all the typing.


Well-Known Member
uh oh a big dog.

fdd i absolutely love your posts, advice, and grows. You are so helpful. I was just wondering, how you get to nearly 35,000 posts? Not knockin or anything thats just down right otherworldly. I don't think i would have the patience for all the typing.
read one of my grow journals. i answer the same 10 question like 500 times. :mrgreen::hump:


Well-Known Member
read one of my grow journals. i answer the same 10 question like 500 times. :mrgreen::hump:
Haha i've read plenty of them they're really amazing. Good point, same question huh? i feel as though people have problems with doing research and would rather be told what to do than make their own decisions and observations from said research. Its a sad sad apathetic world out there, we need a whole mindset shift don't you think?


Well-Known Member
Haha i've read plenty of them they're really amazing. Good point, same question huh? i feel as though people have problems with doing research and would rather be told what to do than make their own decisions and observations from said research. Its a sad sad apathetic world out there, we need a whole mindset shift don't you think?
if it's more than three posts back ....................... :wall:


Well-Known Member
if it's more than three posts back ....................... :wall:
haha thats pretty funny. Oh man i think the worst is when people assume things about your grow then tell you what your grow is, which is wrong, with out reading the very detailed explanations that you have already posted. But hey the best you can do is just link them back to the original answer.


Active Member
I'm noob to growing, but I think a got a pretty legit set-up for my first time. Right now I have a single female growing in a stealth cabinet. It's actually a dresser that I hollowed out and make into a grow cabinet, and it works perfect. I have 5-23W soft white CFL's (about 1,200lumens each) connected to power strips, which are angled above the plant. The compartment in the dresser is about 2.5ftX1.5ftX3ft, so there's a decent about of light for the top of the plant. I've had this set-up for most of the veg. state and I've just started to flower it about 15 days ago. It looks and smells really good now, so hopefully it continues. ANY TIPS ON HOW LONG I SHOULD FLOWER WITH THIS SET UP??? (replies are greatly appreciated)



Well-Known Member
I'm noob to growing, but I think a got a pretty legit set-up for my first time. Right now I have a single female growing in a stealth cabinet. It's actually a dresser that I hollowed out and make into a grow cabinet, and it works perfect. I have 5-23W soft white CFL's (about 1,200lumens each) connected to power strips, which are angled above the plant. The compartment in the dresser is about 2.5ftX1.5ftX3ft, so there's a decent about of light for the top of the plant. I've had this set-up for most of the veg. state and I've just started to flower it about 15 days ago. It looks and smells really good now, so hopefully it continues. ANY TIPS ON HOW LONG I SHOULD FLOWER WITH THIS SET UP??? (replies are greatly appreciated)
Man your plant looks great, i never had that much success with cfl's so keep up whatever your doing.

How long you flower it will depend on the high you're looking for. Along with that it entails watching the trichomes. You can find all of this info under the harvesting and curing subforum or in the grow faqs in the newbie section.

I say this:
Wow, some LED salesman really had his way with you didn't he?

Costly mistake.

And you go apeshit pm'ing me multiple times and following me around in threads doing post after post like you're talking to yourself. Fuck off freak

As far as I know the above TWO sentences are the ONLY contact I've ever had with you. Shit man, I'd hate to see what you'd do if I really got in your face in person and started going off like you are here. Or if I had actually really said anything to diss you personally on here, which I didn't.

What did you spend on all those LEDs anyway?
Did you ever apologise for being a jerk? It amazes me that you can make a passive aggressive attack on a guy just posting about what we all love and then act like a victim.

I can't believe my first post on this site is about drama!!!!! Anyways...I won't ever post pictures because I'm a scaredy cat, but I thank all of you for the great information you have put out there. I know I've learned alot from you guys and I hope to be able to share when this silly prohibition ends.