Anyone work for UPS?


Elite Rolling Society

Last Christmas, I phoned home to see if a special package had arrived and I asked my wife

"has the UPS man come yet?"

She replied

"no, but I sure do have him breathing hard.! "


Sector 5 Moderator
i hate ups.

last christmas, i phoned home to see if a special package had arrived and i asked my wife

"has the ups man come yet?"

she replied

"no, but i sure do have him breathing hard.! "


Well-Known Member
Just type in the question. If its about shipping marijuana to someone then your retarted. If not this conversation never happened.


Well-Known Member
Never tried it through UPS but the regular old post orfice is easy peasy. Do the priority mail thing. UPS is way too nosey on the front end. PO you just put from Meemaw and Peepaw with an imaginary return address. If it don't show up on the other end tough titty. It's purty good about showing up. As far as shipping a couple of oz try it like this. Go to the .99 store and buy two 12 oz bags of exotic .99 cent expresso or cajun coffee. Take the contraband and put it in a baggy and force out all the air and form it into a ball as best you can. Start wrapping it in the wide tread transparent scotch tape and wrap it up tight like a mummy testicle. Carefully undo the top of the coffee bags and dump out an oz. Put the balls of goodies on the bottom and reseal the coffee sacks with a couple of staples and some scotch tape. Stick the coffee bags in a small trash bag or otherwise non porus plastic bag..go wash your hands good...force out the air and tie a knot in the bag. Buy a cheap stuffed toy at the .99 cent store and cover it thick with whutever faggy smelling aftershave lotion or perfume you got. Take it to the Post Office and put in one of their big Priority Mail envelopes. Bagged up coffee on bottom..perfumed toy on top...tape it up and put an address label on it. Take it to the clerk and pay the shipping. Now don't do this kinda stuff myself but have heard about it.