Apartment grow

Which animal would emerge the victor in a battle royale?

  • Siberian Tiger

    Votes: 25 26.0%
  • Grizzly Bear

    Votes: 24 25.0%
  • African Elephant

    Votes: 45 46.9%
  • Cape Buffalo

    Votes: 2 2.1%

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i personally would just wait till ur the land lord i know i never felt comfortable growing till i bought my home. i did how ever grow in a rental at great risk to my wife and i and looking back it was stupid but i got away with it but was not worth the stress for the final product do as u will but be careful


Well-Known Member
People are crazy telling you the smell is "always there" or fans are too loud. I've grown exclusively in apartments for years now and I don't have any problems. I have family and friends over regularly and they all think it's a storage room full of junk and don't ask twice about it.

I put up a 4x4 tent in the room and it already had a 3x8 walk in closet. I use all 3 now to run all winter long and I shut down in the summer (heat is a bitch and I run my A/C all day so the "tiered" billing is too pricey. More economical to grow all winter and use the heat to warm my place.

Anyway...couple of things. Filtration is important, get a good carbon filter, I use a two can-66 filters (one for each grow space) AND I have an ozone generator that runs 15 minutes on/ 1 hour off. There's not even a hint of a residual smell anywhere.

Second thing is those fire inspections. All you have to do is have a place and keep things portable. I try to make sure there's ALWAYS enough space in my garage to park a van in it. So when the fire inspection comes I can load everything into the garage in the van...hook up the Ozone generator in the garage with the van inside it all buttoned up and no one is the wiser. Fire inspection passed, put it all back, no problem. They generally give 48 hours notice which should be enough time to devise a plan, but make sure your plants are always portable in individual pots.

By the way I'm going to be growing now with 3 600w lights and I'm already getting close to a pound off of my one 600w light each grow. So it's definitely possible to do as I'm aiming for 2.5-3.0 lbs each grow now.


Active Member
Apartment grows can be done, I did a closet grow with a tent and borrowed Dill's carbon filter idea. I had 5 WW flowering at one point and outside of the closet the smell was nonexistant.

As far as landlord's go, I have lived in 4 apartments and never even met a landlord. The only people who ever came to my door were maintenance guys, when I called them. And they only do what you ask, they don't meddle.

Anyway, be safe, clean, and quiet. Don't exhaust into the walls or ceiling, if your neighbors smell it and call you will meet your local police. If you have a hydro system and it leaks under the walls they will come to see why. And if you tell all of your friends what you are doing you better not piss any of them off.

- Grow'N'Smoke


Active Member
i personally would just wait till ur the land lord i know i never felt comfortable growing till i bought my home. i did how ever grow in a rental at great risk to my wife and i and looking back it was stupid but i got away with it but was not worth the stress for the final product do as u will but be careful

I agree....and i forgot about the "noise" too.... My 1000 watt ballast wakes me up sometimes in the morning....Like a jet taking off seems like....I had a close call the other morning... My landlord which never comes by showed up the other day ...and my girl just opens the door....had some seedlings in the kitchen soaking up the sun...he saw them but said nothing... He knows me and my girl have our script s and i made sure to go over our lease REALLY good....And all i could find was NO MANUFACTURING OF ILLEGAL DRUGS IN MY CONTRACT. And I'm legal ...so i could fight it i think.....It's just a fucking plant.. And everyone grows plants at there house..I had an issue when i first moved in here my neighbors complained about the smell of sweet ganga coming from my app. Landloard came by...and I gave him a copy of our scripts...Then I asked if he minded if I go look around his medicine cabinet to see what scrips he was on...It came down to me telling him it's bullshit and if he saw another neighbor eating a pill would he ask to see a script.....Pretty much i made him feel like shit and said it was an invasion of privacy and i would sue his ass if there were anymore problems ....NO MORE PROBLEMS...Shit he wouldn't even say anything about the seedlings...Oh yea forgot to mention...he's a cop...HA HA!!


Well-Known Member
You can grow in a apt. IMO, keep it personal and medical. A Dedicated closet works quite well, whenever people stop by I just close the doors. I flowered 6 plants, had maintance over 3 or 4 times not a peep. They even put a filter in the return where my ducting was and must have seen it, again not a word. :lol:


Well-Known Member
So I was doing the math and if you want around 2lb per harvest and that harvest being every 3 months you should do the following.

Order 20 AK-47 auto-flower fem seeds. Get two 400 watt hps. Set up them in a 5x4 area and with the AK-47 averages you should have close to 2lbs. could be right under could be right over. They have a 56 day flowering period and highest yields for auto-flowering plants.

And if you disagree, just tell me why.. dont just say. "NOOO YOU CANT DO THAT!!" lol cause ive done my research and calculations and should have approx half of what I stated above running in the next week. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Laserbrn, what if you don't have a garage attached to your apartment, do the fire inspections check the whole place, i cant afford to be breaking down my tent, is that still feasible?


Well-Known Member
Laserbrn, what if you don't have a garage attached to your apartment, do the fire inspections check the whole place, i cant afford to be breaking down my tent, is that still feasible?
You'll have to have a safe place to stash or be willing to cut your losses and toss what you got. Need to break it down because your lease does state no MFG of illegal drugs and MJ is illegal by federal standards. While it is legal to do in your state your landlord CAN and usually WILL evict you for it. Particularly if it's a managed property, if it's an individual landlord it's a crapshoot. Finding renters is a bitch.


Well-Known Member
I have NEVER heard of this fire inspection you speak of. Ive lived in apartments for many many years in many different states and not once did I get one!


Well-Known Member
I have NEVER heard of this fire inspection you speak of. Ive lived in apartments for many many years in many different states and not once did I get one!
In the years I've been living in apartments I have experiences 2 "annual fire inspections". So they aren't very common, but they do come up and AGAIN it's usually in the larger complex's that are managed by large property management companies. Their insurance companies can and often do require annual inspections.


Well-Known Member
So do they mention the fire inspections or will you have to read all of your possible ''hazards''(inspections, walk-ins) out of the lease and then decide if your safe for permenent use? So what your saying Lazer is that if you have a large complex managed by a large corp.-and you dont have a garage, then should i keep looking for places that are more low key and local managed place?


Would you just exhaust into the room since there shouldnt be a smell if you have a good filter plus ozone? also what about heat signatures? my friend lives in a growing neighborhood and always has the helicopters flying over checking the heat? what are some ways to get around the signatures?


Well-Known Member
So do they mention the fire inspections or will you have to read all of your possible ''hazards''(inspections, walk-ins) out of the lease and then decide if your safe for permenent use? So what your saying Lazer is that if you have a large complex managed by a large corp.-and you dont have a garage, then should i keep looking for places that are more low key and local managed place?
Ideally, yes. Look for a place that looks low key and doesn't seem too corporate run. Both times I've had my fire inspection where at apartments owned by the same corporation as their fire alarm company also likes to remind them to do it (they get paid).

The good news is that at the large corporate places they just send a 3rd party company in to do the inspection, if you're hard up and can't get rid of them and don't have any other options, you may need to part with some cash. The guy that comes in is usually just a "tech" and he doesn't give a rats ass about your growing, but to keep him quiet you may need to grease the wheels. These guys don't get paid alot so even $500 will keep them quiet. You'd be amazed what $500 or $1000 will get you.

I was drunk one night and crashed my car. The next car that drove by I told the passenger I'd give him $500 to claim he was driving....no dui when the cops came.


Well-Known Member
Ideally, yes. Look for a place that looks low key and doesn't seem too corporate run. Both times I've had my fire inspection where at apartments owned by the same corporation as their fire alarm company also likes to remind them to do it (they get paid).

The good news is that at the large corporate places they just send a 3rd party company in to do the inspection, if you're hard up and can't get rid of them and don't have any other options, you may need to part with some cash. The guy that comes in is usually just a "tech" and he doesn't give a rats ass about your growing, but to keep him quiet you may need to grease the wheels. These guys don't get paid alot so even $500 will keep them quiet. You'd be amazed what $500 or $1000 will get you.

I was drunk one night and crashed my car. The next car that drove by I told the passenger I'd give him $500 to claim he was driving....no dui when the cops came.

That's awesome!! but if I got in an accident from being drunk..I would have already spent all my money on alcohol before getting behind the wheel LOL


Well-Known Member
lol damn thats fukin bad ass, i bet a blunt after that would of felt good, assuming you werent fuked from the crash, and not considering your car fuked up n all that...but way to walk outa that situation. As for havin a pay roll not to be snitched out, blackmail sprints thro my mind so thats not an option for me, glad you can pull it off tho, thats how we roll. Im not gonna be growing large so its not gonna be an op, to me at least,i get caught they'r gone be weighin out my soil and roots and charging me with it..fuk that, not gettin caught. Is there any stipulations to look for in the lease or is it pretty straight forward?


Well-Known Member
lol damn thats fukin bad ass, i bet a blunt after that would of felt good, assuming you werent fuked from the crash, and not considering your car fuked up n all that...but way to walk outa that situation. As for havin a pay roll not to be snitched out, blackmail sprints thro my mind so thats not an option for me, glad you can pull it off tho, thats how we roll. Im not gonna be growing large so its not gonna be an op, to me at least,i get caught they'r gone be weighin out my soil and roots and charging me with it..fuk that, not gettin caught. Is there any stipulations to look for in the lease or is it pretty straight forward?
My car was trashed, I was pretty unharmed and I knew the car would be towed to a yard and I would have to deal with it. I just didn't want to deal w/ the costs of a DUI. This was years ago and I haven't driven drunk since. I haven't had a drink in years.

The blackmail problem is a real problem, but I'm not a big time grower so what the guy stumbles upon he'll know he won't be able to blackmail for me anything. I grow legally so I'm really just paying him not to rat me out to the apartment complex. $500 is about all that's worth to me. If he ratted me out and i had to move I'd just move. It's not that big of a deal to me and I do the garage thing, he works better that way. But if it came down to it I'd try to just make his day, have him move on and make sure he's a little scared when he leaves. I'd be here with a group of people that don't look like a group of people he wants to fuck with. That and $500 and I'm sure he'd be glad to just forget the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Ah thats a good deal, thats a good little system, sounds like peace of mind to me. I dont take kindly to paranoia so i gotta stay stress free. I have a good low key place im looking at, will they usually have lease options( besides # of months renting) like private or public or will the place have a standard lease? and will there likely be an annual inspection where they have to see the whole place, or just the main living space, not bedrooms.? I hate to jack the thread but hopefully it helps


Active Member
Shit Im growing in an apartment!! Im running two 1000 w with all the fixins!! IT CAN BE DONE I know my setup is capable of five lbs easy!!!! I got this set up from someone who was pullin 7 lbs!!!!!!!!! every harvest!!!!

It can happen, with experience and the right tools! I dont expect the same yield as my vet buddy however the bottom line is odorless apartment grows are ABSOLUTELY possible.

A lease is a lease, apartment home townhouse, condo, mobile home, shoe box, etc.... it all comes down to the landlord, if hes a dick and nosey hes gunna find out. I have been told to screen landlords just as they do thier tenants. There are laws to coming into your home, look into them around your area. GOOD LUCK!!

Ah thats a good deal, thats a good little system, sounds like peace of mind to me. I dont take kindly to paranoia so i gotta stay stress free. I have a good low key place im looking at, will they usually have lease options( besides # of months renting) like private or public or will the place have a standard lease? and will there likely be an annual inspection where they have to see the whole place, or just the main living space, not bedrooms.? I hate to jack the thread but hopefully it helps