Arduino Questions


Well-Known Member
I barely understand the concept of a while loop, as stated before, but I 1000% completely lack the ability to implement it. kinda sorta like an if..then..else statement, maybe a little different but kinda sorta in a way

If you read the datasheet it should give you some idea of how you can go about utilizing it for what you want.

hahaha, you're fucking funny. maybe if someone who understands it reads it then they can have some kind of an idea where to begin

I have studied that datasheet for months and tried a million times to read and understand that code and I just don't have the ability to make it happen.

I almost have a 2 yr degree in electronics from the early 90s, back when we had to build our own 286 motherboard, and I mean start with a chip and wire in all the ics and transistors for all the boolean stuff etc etc etc, plus took basic and c programming and a few novell netware networking classes, coding isn't new to me, but I have lost the ability to understand it at all

I just want to do a very simple thing, not all the complicated read ten sensors and control fourteen devices including oopening and closing doors and windows, etc. I just want to read that one input and make a decision on whether or not I should turn on a relay and I can't figure that out