are 5 gallon pots to big for indoor?

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Where did you get the impression I needed advice? That guy is a moron and said really stupid shit like "98% of quality is finishing th plant without problems" "you cant get quality without the yeild" "if you yeilded well then its quality bud" ALL BS.
The way you said "same space can fit allot more 3 gallon pots"- you dont NEED more pots for yield. and "I dont get great gpw numbes ever, ".

Just trying to help man, you dont need to get your knickers in a knot. He also says The grower skill is responsible for the quality.

So if you have a grow and have 0 problems at all you have a very healthy plant that will yield well. A healthy plant (esp with todays genetics) that is grown with a touch of grower skill will also have the quality. - to me that makes perfect sense.
A healthy plant is a happy plant.
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