Are any of these Magic mushrooms?


Well-Known Member
I went for a drive to the forest in New zealand today and picked up all the shrooms i could find. can u guys identify ones that u think might be magic?
looks like fly agaric/amonita muscara (something like that). Soak your feet in a bowl of hot water with the red skin, osmosis will do the rest but you wont take any toxins as the body will not osmotically accept poisons.


i'm aware that this thread is older than me, but i have to speak up after reading all of this....

i am abhorred by the lack of care some people have with mushrooms... although they are few, there are some serious poisons in some mushrooms that, if eaten, you are fucked...

please never go out looking for your own shrooms just because you read about what they look like (or even less:dunce:).... get someone that actually knows what they are looking for to go with you the first time or two.... once you know what you are looking for, you know what to avoid; and everything is happy tripping from there....
many men/women have died throughout history so that we could know what mushrooms were edible... take advantage of their sacrifices; dont repeat them:leaf:


Well-Known Member
^that cant be tru? is it?
it sure is true. The fly agaric is/was used in abundance by the nomadic tribes of lapland. Centuries ago the tribal leaders would be the only alowed to consume the fly agaric, but they would sell ther urine to the peasants who could get wasted aswell. The last laugh was with the peasants though who had a far better trip as the poisons had been filtered by the digestive system of the urine producers body. Sounds crazy I know, but have read books on this and it is well documented. The skin has the biggest psychoactive concentration and is best taken through the pores osmotically, hence the bowl of hot water.:weed:


Well-Known Member
the real shit with poison shrooms are that the effects take more than 6 hours to start showing themselves, by wich time you may allready have suffered irriversible organ damage.


Well-Known Member
i found these today while visiting my outdoor plots... you can bet im going to eat every single one! probably go back tomorow just to get more. oh yeah gonna drink the beer too, even though it's anhauser bush. ewww

I love Morels! When i was growing up we used to find them by the HUNDREDS we would have to kick people off that were Poaching Mushrooms off of my parents property! Also were you in the Marines? i see your Digital Booney Cover?


Well-Known Member
are those last ones normal edibles? I'd love to get some spore prints.. realy look interesting.


Active Member
ya those are magic but make sure you wash off the white spots i herd theycan kill you or something
psilisbin turn a bluish purle when expsoed to oxigen hence the bruising turning blue but if you don't know what your looking for and you find a mushroom don't chance it thats just stupid i could think of alot more ways to die than stupidity ok louisisan dude i with you there but i moved and in my opinion tea is the best way to go heres my never fail recipie freeze 4caps of orange tits (common large psylisybins) gulf coast mostly choppthem up while frozen and wrap them in a coffee filter
tie it up with hemp string boil a quart of water till it looks like grape koolaid about 20-30 mins add ice tea mix i prefer lemon and add another quart of water i glass and you'll trip nuts for a good while or add no more water and make popciles i know it sound nuts but man it realy works the freezinf seems to concintrate the good stuff sorry i can't spell for shit but i try


Well-Known Member
the first one you posted ,the red and white one is a magic mushroom but there are parts that if you eat will make you be sick and feel like shit.its been that long since i had this kind of shroom i forgot which part you can and which you can might be that you peel the skin off (red part) and eat the under part but not the stem,or it might be that you can only eat the stems.sorry i just cant remember.but it is defo a magic mushroom...i think its called a"flyagric" not sure if thats spelt right by the way.i spelt it as it sounds..."fly-a-garic". you sould get somebody come along soon who know more about how to prep these before you eat them.


I think the first ones are those mescaline shrooms they sell powderdized on the internet. You need like an ounce of them to trip mescaline though if i remember correctly. Do some quick googling and i'm sure you'll find more.


Active Member
it looks like a gold cap magic shroom,, i had a batch of them that looked exactly like that except the bottom stalk had some white n blue coloring on it,,, they were some great shrooms,, not postitive thats what it is tho,, i love the red n white spotted ones,, look delicious haha


Well-Known Member
ok what you do is rip the cap off the stem now set the cap on a white sheet of paper for about 30 to an hour. when you take the cap off the sheet of paper it will have left behind a residue. this residue is called a spore print. the spore print should be purple if it is of the class psilocybe. these are the types you should take. everything i have read on fly agric says they are bad and should not be taking to trip. So check your golden brown carmel colored one, with a spore print. Good luck...


Well-Known Member
They look like fly agaric shrooms or amanita muscaria if there dried properly then you wont feel any bad symptoms now they dont have psilocin and psilocyben in them its two other chemicals but they are good trips.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if his mate died? or his liver at least,that first one isnt a fly agaric we dont have them in new zealand lol,heaps of people eat them by the bag,fried in butter,if you dont cook em well they make you speew,second 1 death cap? dont eat that red 1 lol,infact stay out of the forest altogether if your gona pick random fungus, e.g. we have a fungus in new zealand that if you inhale the spores it gets into your blood stream and uses your dead carcass for food,you find the odd mummified rat with little white shrooms growing out of it,mostly gets catipillarss and cicadas tho,its called cordyceps robertsii,we also have a tree nettle called urtica ferox it is about 80% likely to kill you if you touch it,i had some fall on me and brush over my hand when i was scrub cutting,my whole arm swelled so tight i bleed straight through the skin,if i wasnt already used to walking through normal stinging nettle in bare feet it wouldve got me alot worse, the plant called tutu is another one to watch for if you grab it to hold onto it will make you drunk if you put your fingers in your mouth you will die in about 20min,the seizures will make you snap your own neck,its so potent that a single bee collecting pollen off it poisons all the honey in the hive,the honey will make you drunk and destroy your liver,honestly man stay out of the proper native bush unless you with some1 who knows this shit i.e. a pig hunter,possum trapper etc