Are clear light bulbs that have been washed and baked in the oven safe to use?


Well-Known Member
Are clear light bulbs that have been washed out and baked in the oven safe to use to make a vaporizer? During vaporization, are there any leftover chemicals or metals in the glass which can be released?



Well-Known Member
Haha, your avatar is awesome! Considering the fact that I am not a tweeker, I would like to know if it is safe.


Well-Known Member
yes you will be fine, i find that a plastic soda cap fits good over the end of a lightbulb and put a hole in it to a small pipe and your good to go.


Active Member
what a plonker next time your near the oven do us all a favour and stick your head in it and stop wasting our time.


Well-Known Member
wat a bunch of jerk off assholes.. i wish i knew the answer to your question but unfortunately I do not. Just wanted to let everyone who posted after the original poster that you are all fucking dbags


Well-Known Member
wat a bunch of jerk off assholes.. i wish i knew the answer to your question but unfortunately I do not. Just wanted to let everyone who posted after the original poster that you are all fucking dbags

Thanks man, you are so rightkiss-assExcept Mr. Cool, he is truly cool and tried to help:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
A dude who has 13 posts tells me I'm a plonker and should stick my head in the oven, what has this world come to?


New Member
last time i gota bulb i didnt wash it nothing broke of the tip and just used it killed my throat ;(


Well-Known Member
Pour salt into the bulb and shake it around to clean then rinse with soap and water ! Burn it with a lighter it sould not produce fumes..if it dous use a different bulb with no coating in it ..i have made many lightbulb vaporizers ... 2liter cap tape pen tube ..dont forget a second hole in the lid for air to come in..


Well-Known Member
I read that it is not advised to use the coated bulbs anytime, even when clean. The only ones that are recommended are the clean ones, but still, there is no deep safety information about them.


Well-Known Member
How do they know the halogen is safe, how do they know anything is safe? It seems that only glass vapes are safe. They even say professional plastic ones aren't safe.