are clones supposto look like this?


These clones are off a plant that was budding but i dont know if this is right. the leaves just look weird. thanks for any help. do clone leaves always look like this?
aug 4 odd clones 004.jpgaug 4 odd clones 005.jpgaug 4 odd clones 003.jpg

shynee mac

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
They look like that 'cause you cloned a flowering plant, they have to reveg before they look normal don't worry abt it.


Well-Known Member
You have to consider those clones were taken from a plant already blooming. You reverted them back to vegetation and youll see leaf patterns like that.


on my large plants i over fert them and killed off about 6-7 of them so before one was totally gone i chopped it up. i got 7 clones and 5 are doing well. problem is some of my adults went hermi for some reason so i am worried that these clones might be off a strain that will do that. i wish i would have known before hand but.... take it as it comes. I really app all the help people are giving and im gonna be a reg user now. lol. its cool how you can start a journal to.


Well-Known Member
on my large plants i over fert them and killed off about 6-7 of them so before one was totally gone i chopped it up. i got 7 clones and 5 are doing well. problem is some of my adults went hermi for some reason so i am worried that these clones might be off a strain that will do that. i wish i would have known before hand but.... take it as it comes. I really app all the help people are giving and im gonna be a reg user now. lol. its cool how you can start a journal to.
Over-fertilization will cause hermaphroditysm even on a proven female plant


Active Member
if you take care of it right the top leaves will grow into normal leaves with about 5 leaflets usually. you could clip or prune the lower leaves to speed it up. I think they look weird because they were lower branches and didnt get much light before they were cut

Boss Hog

The Plant has been surviving for millions of years. So when you try to kill it with to much fertilizer it does what it has been doing for millions of years and survives by making it's own pollen to continue on to the next generation. Everything on this planet comes from a long line of survivors. Survivors have many different ways to survive, this is just one of natures many cool tricks to beat the odds. It's a weed don't overfeed.