
Well-Known Member
I heard from an experienced grower that he finds the first few cuts are rubbish from a mother and advised to take a few cuts and dump em and get the mother plant really mature and ready to produce its best produce is there any truth here or have you had any experiences similar????

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I just wait until I get the size clone I need. Sometimes I need them to be 12" high with plenty of greenery to start so I wait until then. On other times I need to get them going at 4 to 6 inches.
Using an eZclone they all react the same - They start thriving as soon as they hit the dirt.

From my experience, a clone is a clone, is a clone...


Well-Known Member
first few cuts are rubbish from a mother
i have never heard that one before, i shall add it to my list of urban legends and newbie myths

i have heard some old hippies say that they keep the seed plant as the mother, and do not like taking clones from clones
they take all their clones from the original seed mother
some hippies claim to have original seed mother plants that are several years old

as far as i know, i am not a hippy or scientist or chinaman or rasta, so take my opinion fwiw

clones are clones that's why they are clones ..
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
im talking a seed grown plant into a
mother plant ive been advised that the first set of cuts from that mum will not be as good as say the 4th set of cuts from that same mother I actually though bullshit however i gave 2 friends cuts before me and mine was the 3 rd set of cuts taken harvest 1 was crap in every way harvest two was half deace and mine was top shelf now could be down to grower skill nutes etc as all would be different just wonder if any one has experienced this


Well-Known Member
Never experienced this or heard of it. My keeper cut of Platinum Delights is clone from a clone from a seed plant. My first clone of it was when I first topped her and this clone I have going now is off that so this is my third run of her and the first clone was amazing hell I would say better than the seed mom. More vigorous growth and showed more traits of the mom. Don't know where you heard this but it sounds like it's just that persons preference of doing it but I've never heard of sets of clones not being good till the 4th

Even tho I don't have the original seed mom the first clone off her was amazing so I'd say that busted that myth. Also it sounds like his clones are having trouble getting acclimated to his environment IMHO


Well-Known Member
A clone is not a clone, it is a cutting. Thats liek saying weed is easy to grow because its a weed.
Genetics are always changing, ues even yours, as i type this. The first few curtings are generally regarded as better than later cuttings but strains have improved with time


Well-Known Member
A clone is not a clone, it is a cutting. Thats liek saying weed is easy to grow because its a weed.
Genetics are always changing, ues even yours, as i type this. The first few curtings are generally regarded as better than later cuttings but strains have improved with time
You seem to be missing the point again, a clone is a clone that's why its a clone ,a cutting is a cutting that's why its a cutting

qwizo i heard that you lost your maps and your controls are jammed ,
i hope you can return to earth soon, would be nice to have you back again

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I usually top my seedlings around the 5th node and that goes straight into the compost bin. If that is what your friend is talking about, then maybe he might have a point, but cloning that was never the intent anyway. If you take cuttings when the plant is ready to be cloned, then the 1st ones or the 50th ones will be good clones.

I'm not saying you're friend is an idiot, I'm just saying he is full of shit lol


Well-Known Member
I heard from an experienced grower that he finds the first few cuts are rubbish from a mother and advised to take a few cuts and dump em and get the mother plant really mature and ready to produce its best produce is there any truth here or have you had any experiences similar????
DNA doesn't work like that man.
It's CLONE, meaning the dna is EXACTLY the same.
Which is the whole concept behind it all


Well-Known Member
When I grow from seed and top my plant I actually use that part as a new clone. It has been working really well for me that way. They grow like champs when doing it that way. At least for me it does.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
I think he meant that the very first clones are the best and supposedly the sucseeding clones are not as good. But i dont know if what you said is backwards.