Are Joints Really A Waste Of Weed?


Well-Known Member
What the fuck are you all talking about...? Glass is the only way to really taste your weed. The reason behind that is because the only thing that is burning is the weed. No paper or anything else. A joint is a waste of weed, although not much of a waste but it does waste a little. The reason joints, as well as blunts, waste a little weed is because of the ash. Whatever you knock off the end still has a little THC in it. In a bowl or a bong you burn it until it pulls through, that's how you know it's done.
Right all the way! I prefer joints, only cuz i'm a glutton. lol. Pulling ash through a bowl and into your throat definetly is not cool though, haha. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It's never cool but when you know it's getting close to being finished, which ever stoner should know, you can take lights hits and make the ash hit your tongue instead of the back of your throat.


Well-Known Member
It's never cool but when you know it's getting close to being finished, which ever stoner should know, you can take lights hits and make the ash hit your tongue instead of the back of your throat.
When it gets close to the end, i put it out because the tar is disgusting..:spew:

or if I'm with friends i hand it over to them haha.


Well-Known Member
its only a waste of weed to share it with opinionated friends who bitch when you don't smoke it the way they want to.

every time i pack a bowl when one friend in particular comes over he says 'dude we need a blunt' and every time i say 'you need a fuckin job and your own weed' and then i bogart the bowl for 3-4 rounds.


Well-Known Member
yea joints :joint: and blunts :bigjoint: are good but a fat hit out of a ROOR or any quailty bong will blow ur dome bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I've been told many times that joints are a waste of weed. I don't think it's true. I think smoking out of a pipe/bong would be more of a waste. I'm sure some of you are nodding in disagreement right now..haha. Let me know what your thoughts are on this.
Hell yeah!! Blunts are a waste too,but I like to have some Honey Optimo's for on the go! I do think that my vulcan vaporizer is much better on your stash! KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
i only smoked out of a bowl..da reason is..i never rolled a blunt i dont knoe how to do it..and i would try..but it might cause me my for me..i do smoke out of a bowl..but i could do both..


Well-Known Member
it depends too tho cause blunts and joints take more bud then if you were packing bowls


Well-Known Member
when i have fat sacks i smoke fattie joints. when i dont have as much i smoke bowls. and if you dont have much at all a couple nice gravitys will get you nice.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
joints make my throat hurt. i like a water filtering, and im not much of a big hitter, so i love my bubbler- its perfect. for all you saying you can taste it best in a joint, thats stupid, use a vap.


Well-Known Member
The reason I'm making a fuss about conserving weed is because I buy really good weed. Like $60 an eighth kind of weed. In a year and a half of smoking this bud I've only found 1 seed. And with that kind of expensive weed I don't buy a whole lot of it because a.) I don't need to because a little bit gets me fucking ripped and b.) it's to damn expensive to waste any. So I use glass. If I'm buying mids or brick weed I'll always roll a joint or blunt than put it in my glass.


Well-Known Member
it really dosent matter at the end of the day,
depends on your prefrence i dont see them as a waste gets ya baked.. same as any other method;)


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that your preferences would depend on your lifestyle. I rarely see anyone, and it's even rarer for anyone to stop by here, so using anything but a small bowled pipe to smoke my 2 hit sweets would be wasteful.