Are LED bulbs good??


Active Member
I have been following LED's closely since they 1st popped up a couple of years back, as I am in an area often scanned for heat emmisions, by Power company helicopters that the police pay for looking at suspect 'sites'. These aerial maps of hotspots are then used by police along with power consumption figures as intelligence to bust grow rooms (especially in attics) Not sure if it's same over the pond but it's a pain here.....So thats 1 good reason for me to look into them.
the other is that I think the idea is superb, hardly any waste heat, just the right wavelength, but what keeps me out is the expense.
I worked as an Electronic Engineer up until 2003 and I can see how they would work and have been thinking of making my own set if I could source the LED's used........But LED's can only go so bright, so I think to become viable for me, the LED's will have to be brighter, or the price down because at the moment I would suspect that you would be wanting maybe some extra panels sidelighting lower leaves of a lesser wattage in a conventional grow, but with these diodes being relatively new, they command a high price, but as more are made this will drop.
It would be an extremely simple matter to make these panels up on a sheet of veroboard, just need the correct wavelengths, and i've seen some data on a manufacturers web site so i may try and price some LED's today.

What i've been on the look out for (and there surely wil be a flood at some point if LED come popular) is LED panels stating that they are grow LED's but are nothing more than normal LED's or Hi Brightness ones.....That is nasty and i'm going to check e-bay soon make sure no -ones trying to rip people off)

Going back a year now but 1 site did a comparision between 2x90w and 1x45w LED grow - and a 400WMetal halide (I think was MH) the guy said the LED's took 2 weeks longer to finish....But he was down to 2x90w - took the 45Watt out as it wasn't needed. - I think they definitely fill a niche, be great if they get brighter sell more, get cheap enough for me to knock one up... :)

In fact i'll try find a price of both LED's etc just for interest....

I have been looking at results for the latest set of Sunshine products, as even the 1st Generation did very well in a head to head test with a 400W test on another website, just off the top of my head the 1st Gen ones (A 45w panel on top, supplimented by


we 'll put my quarter kilowatt, hexa-band, ho cree 3w leds to the test in a week.
i got blackjacks, full moon and raspberry cough. its a pitty i only spare a 2 x 3 space. i m thinking 4 plants..


About a year and a half ago I spent about $2400 on 4 lights. At the time they were state of the art. They were high quality and had very good reviews. They sucked and I sent them back. The owner of the shop said the technology is still a few years away from serious performance so give it a few years before purchasing again. I would recomend using them as side/additional lighting only---- not as your primary source. Too expensive for what they offer right now!
..i d suggest to try again cause now leds are hexa-band and customizable to grow conditions
I've been trying to do a lot of research on the subject myself. Since they are still pretty costly at this point, I really want to make sure they are worth the money. The reviews are very mixed, but there are a lot of different lights out there too. You hear all this talk about spetrums, nanometers, lumens per watt, etc. They all sound like great selling points, but I would really look hard at what you are buying and who you're buying it from, not to mention how you're going to be using it. The 90w UFOs are pretty popular, the panels seem to be the way to go for serious growers, and they even have same low wattage spotlight bulbs that you could use as some extra accent lighting. I am pretty convinced that it's worth trying out, so within the next month or so, I'll probably purchase some combination of different LEDs and try to post my results. This video was pretty convincing too ->


Well-Known Member
people who say LED's are shit for growing simply didn't learn enough about lights and photosynthesis. They assumed that this hot new technology was just going to blow everything away, spent roughly what they might on an HID, then complained that they suck. In reality to build a LED system that will replace an HID is going to cost A LOT more. This whole advertising thing of a 90w LED spotlight matching a 400w HID is ridiculous. Watt for watt they are more efficient, but not that much more :) For that extra cost you do get some conveniences though (more efficient, less heat, more spectral choices, less upkeep costs). There are also hundreds of different components, and thousands of different combinations you could build them in. Many of the pre-built systems, you have no idea what's in them, and the companies are trying to hit an unrealistic price point to compete with HID (IMO), so I'm not sure how much I would trust buying a pre-made unit. IMO, until they become more mainstream, you should do some research and build your own, pick brand, optics, emitters, drivers, and heatsyncs and fans to mount and cool the whole thing, and a soldering kit. Look on sites like this one, and possibly coral aquarium (reef) forums, for people doing LED group buys. It can save you an incredible amount of money, and oftentimes the people arranging them will already have experience and can help you out on some of the specifics.


Active Member
Thanks for all the info, You guys have totally helped. Big pain in the ass finding out what you all shared. My electricians comming over tomorrow and were gonna build the room sunday. Ill make a journal and see where we go. Good growing all.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info, You guys have totally helped. Big pain in the ass finding out what you all shared. My electricians comming over tomorrow and were gonna build the room sunday. Ill make a journal and see where we go. Good growing all.
Awesome!!!! Have fun and good luck!!