are my females turning hermi? Help please


banana things 003.jpgbanana things 002.jpgbanana things 001.jpgthis is my first grow so im not sure. i noticed these lil banana things and some sites say there fine some say its turning male? can anyone help please???


Active Member
it looks like it a bit in the 1st pic but im not completely sure can you take a better pic and those bananas are just yellowing leaves.


Weed Modifier
yes those are will end up with a few seeds in your weed...looks like i see a few forming already ;) that your only plant?


bud bootlegger
yes those are will end up with a few seeds in your weed...looks like i see a few forming already ;) that your only plant?
yah, i see a few seeds forming as well, and those are nanners that you have chopped off there as well.. :(


thats the problem i have a bunch. i have 4 showing those banana things, and on all ends of the room. like not next to eachother. they are all from random seeds and i was sure i got all the males out.


should i kill them or can i put them on a different floor of my house so i dont lose 4-5 plants? I know pollen can go on my clothes from one room to another but i only go in the rooms to water other than that its fluke i even noticed. i dont wanna lose out but i dont want to lose out on all of them. its not to late is it?


New Member
seperate from others and pull all the nanners off every time u see them pluck em off and you shouldnt have to many seed


Well-Known Member
Hermie plants don't make anywhere near as many seeds as a male you should be alright either way.


so i just went through all my babies and about 60% have those banana things. Im sooo bummin right now. please tell me. how bad is it. I dont wanna split my room up. moving a couple aint a big deal but i got a bunch. If i keep pulling those things off will they be alright or am i fucked with seedie bud? will the smoke be ok?


Well-Known Member
You will definitely have seeds if it is hermie-ing very aggressively...I have only ever gotten 3 or 4 nanners off a plant.


Weed Modifier
so i just went through all my babies and about 60% have those banana things. Im sooo bummin right now. please tell me. how bad is it. I dont wanna split my room up. moving a couple aint a big deal but i got a bunch. If i keep pulling those things off will they be alright or am i fucked with seedie bud? will the smoke be ok?
its your garden...yes you will have seed...once they start to seed the quality goes down ....but still smoke-able so yah it will be just that ok.


bud bootlegger
its your garden...yes you will have seed...once they start to seed the quality goes down ....but still smoke-able so yah it will be just that ok.
i don't buy into the seeded weed is any less potent than non seeded weed, and there is no science to back this up..just people saying that it is true..
although a huge pain in the arse to smoke, seeded weed is no less potent then sensi..


Active Member
Yep deff a Herman still gonna be good weed just little more of pain in ass to smoke gotta pickem out plus people don't like to pay for seed I agree with racer boy I've smoked some killer seeded weed just gotta get them out the bud poppers can put an eye out


is a glow in the dark lamp shade enough or even the right type of light to cause hermies? also are the ones that havent got the nans on them going to get them if i dont seperate? id have to build a second room cause its half and half. bummer.
and fuck yea ive seen some crazy seed-splosions. Ill sell safety glasses with every


Active Member
I used dutchmaster to reverse the sex and it worked for me i got it from the hydro store. mine started changing sex at like week 6 i dunno why lol.. Duchtmaster reverse


oh man, that stuff looks awesome. it dont show any dealers around me but im gonna search. thanks for the tip. i found a store that carries it. i will get it in the morning and let ya know. any other tips are app.