are my females turning hermi? Help please


Active Member
I used dutchmaster to reverse the sex and it worked for me i got it from the hydro store. mine started changing sex at like week 6 i dunno why lol.. Duchtmaster reverse
Reverse does not change a plants sex it supress's the hormone that makes seed same type of product used in seedless watermelons and . If u notice pistils turning brown very early it is usually because that pod has been polinate d if caught early on it will help the seeds stay small and not fully mature at least from my experience .


New Member
it will still be good just wont get as big of buds from my experience because its focusing on seed growth. but if you pull all them nanners with tweezers every day it will help you out and get you more less seedy bud


tryin to figure out why this hermie shit happened and a couple weeks ago i noticed a small ballast was glow in the dark. Is that type of light enough to do it? Cause i never went in when the lights were out it took a few weeks into budding to realize. unsure, i pulled it out right away. think thats the culprit? also, will the ones that turned hermie turn my other females to hermies?
thanks so much for the help

aug 2 033.jpg

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
sometimes plants do shit for their own reasons, even the most careful and skilled growers will get a little hermi goin on, or find a stray seed, dont sweat it so hard.

if you grew bagseed they might have been seriously predisposed to hermaphroditism, and they could have grown balls no matter what you do.

a few seeds wont ruin your dope, in the 80's gettin a sack without seeds was a miracle, but all that seedy weed still smoked good

i would not try to grow any of the seed you develop from these plants, if you cant figure why they hermied, they prolly did it on their own