Are my police growin???

Are the cops growin?

  • yes

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • no

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • who care who it is when they are ready steel that shit!

    Votes: 12 37.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
lol i see when i put up the pics of the land the overall consensus started to change... its true though. No there wasn't an irigation system that i could see anyway(do they make underground drip feeds or somethin?) As far as how many were there, well the total area is probably 120 yards long on one side then behinde the hill to the left of the range is probably close to 250-300 yards long and there were plants every 20-25 feet. i personally looked at probably 25 or so and not one male/hermie and they were gooood. man i am certain they will do it again as i said earlier i was out there this week and the ground looked tilled up.


Well-Known Member
ps: idk if it makes a difference but the plants i saw looked like pure sativas, im 6' and they were 6-10 inches taller than me with branches every foot or so going off the main stem. I know what all the differences are between species but compared to some of the guys here i consider myself an uber noob.


Well-Known Member
You should be very careful in your endeavors.
Probably be a good idea to watch from a considerable distance while they grow.

If you do that you can catch someone in the act of taking care of them and know for sure if its the cops. Would also be a good chance to get some dirt on select cops if they are the ones growing


Well-Known Member
That is so bad ass. If you are able to nail some cops for growing I'll be impressed. If I was you I would just sit back and wait until I found out who it was growing it. Then if it was the cops I would get some film of it. Then send it to the local media and steal most of the plants. Leave a few for evidence but there is no sense in letting it all get destroyed. Maybe give most of it away to be nice but definitely keep a little because you earned it for protecting the public.

You should be very careful in your endeavors.
Probably be a good idea to watch from a considerable distance while they grow.

If you do that you can catch someone in the act of taking care of them and know for sure if its the cops. Would also be a good chance to get some dirt on select cops if they are the ones growing


Well-Known Member
yea ill def be carefull and yea i drive by it every time i go shoot so ill be bringin my camera and getting pics/video. If its the cops ill probly leave a bunch but definately take some too. I like to share my buds lol, hell, i give away nearly all i grow but hey, thats just part of being a friendly stoner lol.


Well-Known Member
Just tell the press if it was the cops planting that you were scouting out a arbor day spot to plant new tree's and the local police had you beat to it. You could be the local "farmer" hero that found out the real bad guys. Leading to a, is law enforcement planting evidence? just a baked thought


Well-Known Member
Ok so my gun range buts up against the Federal Cartridge proving grounds(30kacres of bullet testing) and a police range. Last fall i went "exploring" around the police side and maybe 15-25 meters into the bush there were hundreds yes hundreds of plant growing in full flower. At first i figured they were ditch weed but after examination i noticed not one was a male and these things were sticky icky. anyways after the winter i went to shoot today and snooped over to where the plants were and it is all tilled up and looks like they tilled in a bunch of black dirt too. Are my cops in on a grow op? what yall think?
oh yeah no doubt they are i found a feild a fw yrs ago behind a water bed store
along side an abandoned house 12 ft tall plants got bout 60 lbs from those
i say if you get the chace tke um their cops ut do they need them for bongsmilie:twisted:


Well-Known Member
oh yeah no doubt they are i found a feild a fw yrs ago behind a water bed store
along side an abandoned house 12 ft tall plants got bout 60 lbs from those
i say if you get the chace tke um their cops ut do they need them for bongsmilie:twisted:
i call bullshit. 12ft plants that yeilded 60lbs just growing beside an abandoned house.:shock: how did a grow that massive make it to maturity undetected and was able to be taken unsupervised?


Well-Known Member
i call bullshit. 12ft plants that yeilded 60lbs just growing beside an abandoned house.:shock: how did a grow that massive make it to maturity undetected and was able to be taken unsupervised?
I dont know but what i do know is there are alot of abandoned houses out in the country and alot of good growing places/conditions. plus you can easily get 300 or more plants per acre if the property wasn't yours and you didn't worry bout getting them seen.


Well-Known Member

then again we gotta stop this cycle of hate. find the fields, and if you get busted offer up a single, solitary joint. a joint representing a cease and desist on both sides of this fight. make an example of this that can go all the way to the top. cops and stoners, co-existing in a field of marijuana. Sounds crazy, but if we're all serious about legalization, thats the goal.

then again..... they are cops.... report it to the news, after you jack some for yourself!!


Well-Known Member

then again we gotta stop this cycle of hate. find the fields, and if you get busted offer up a single, solitary joint. a joint representing a cease and desist on both sides of this fight. make an example of this that can go all the way to the top. cops and stoners, co-existing in a field of marijuana. Sounds crazy, but if we're all serious about legalization, thats the goal.

then again..... they are cops.... report it to the news, after you jack some for yourself!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't feel sorry if all you got banned. I see where you're coming from that it's the cops weed, what do they need it for, but a mod has been in here twice saying he bans pot thieves and the op flat out admitted to popcorn pickin anyways.... Where common sense fails.


New Member
I say if you take all of it youll save lots of people that would have bought some of that herb (some like me who need it for are health, but now I have my med card YAAA) just to get busted. And remember cops kill us growers all time. And often just for are grows and they often keep the herb (that is some truly evil shit). Iam a vegan so I dont think blood and herb go together. Those guys are killers and thieves stop them in any way you can (with out doing any harm ofcorse, cant be like them now can we? Hell no!)!!! Thank You and Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I say if you take all of it youll save lots of people that would have bought some of that herb (some like me who need it for are health, but now I have my med card YAAA) just to get busted. And remember cops kill us growers all time. And often just for are grows and they often keep the herb (that is some truly evil shit). Iam a vegan so I dont think blood and herb go together. Those guys are killers and theves stop them in any way you can!!! Thank You!

Lol. First time I heard that one. "DROP THE NUTES!!!!!! BANG BANG!!!


New Member
Realy where do you live? Where Ive been those guys shoot first and never even ask qustions later. And they all have machineguns and look like the millitary? I guess you think its all just show? Well I can tell you when you are back in the hills being the Irie herb Mon growing not hurting anyone those guys do to us things that people like you would never beleve but its people like you who dont know truth that make it that much harder to change things. Stay in your safe little world and dont look around cus you wont like what you find. Peace and Safeaty Irie Mon

By the way just about every cop Ive known not only smokes herb but do nasty drugs AND are in it for the power not to serve. My house mate is a excops wife and she says the same thing they want power. People like that do realy sick things when they think no one is looking! REALY!
My brother was a good cop and most of his problems where with ALLL the scum that get a badge to stick it to the rest of us.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
i grew plants on the edge of cops gun range in 1993 it was nerv racking but i got away with it. i thought they would never think to look there