Are there any good things about a stretched plant


Well-Known Member
damn, ive been growing for about 4 or 5... i guess you gatta be doing something right.
yeah court system does suck, trust me i know first hand.


Well-Known Member
haha, well on this webpage in about a year you will know what i know now... this page is amazing... a few days ago was the first time ive cloned and a bunch of people gave me tips and everything on how to do it and what shit to use to make it work... so far i have about a 95% success rate but its not out of the clear yet cause its not rooting yet


Well-Known Member
okay so it's been about a day or so and my plants are looking much better...the main one has about 14-16 leaves growing on it and the second biggest has about the same.... P.S thank all of you for the help


Well-Known Member
ok well i advice to put it into a big pot, like a 5 gallon because if you keep it in a small space then it cant grow a great root structer so it wont get as big as it can


Well-Known Member
the one to the right is in a 8" pot which is big and the one to the left will be transferred once i get the right pot for it looks better than b4


Well-Known Member
well good it looks better... but 8" isnt enough those at max are probably like a gallon and half or something... if you go to homedepo or lowes or something they have 5 gallons and 7 ect.. no more then 15 dollars and they are re-usable


Well-Known Member
I'll get the big pots for the un-transferred but as far as the other one i'm going to let it grow a little longer


Well-Known Member my leaves on one are turning brown only on the tips of fan leaves and are curling in it keeps going wrong :(


Well-Known Member
when it curles its normally due to a lack of water, or its not absorbing the nutes... if they turn brown just cut them off, because it will slow down the plant because it will try to keep it alive by sending most the nutes to the part thats dying so just cut it off. i do its alot