Are these balls or bigass calaxys?


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell. I've had hermaphrodites before that looked similar. Squeeze that one in the last photo and see if there is a seeds inside. Squeeze a few of them to make sure. They don't look like male flowers but if one of your plants popped one out that you didn't catch you could have some seeds there.

I stay away from feminized seeds because you have a higher chance of running into herms than if you just get regular seeds, sort out the males, and keep a good mother.


Well-Known Member
I pray to the pot gods you're right! or else the wife and i are gonna be up late pluckin sacks. +rep dude and thx.
If it turns out that you do find male flowers just start over. It obviously has female traits so if you determine it's a hermaphrodite then plucking off male growth won't help. More will just grow back. If that's the case then just start over and save yourself the long term grief... but hopefully that's not the case


Well-Known Member
thx dude. i wont be buying fem seeds in the future. +rep
In some cases, like with my Strawberry Diesel, I was only able to get feminized. They're not bad, but keep an eye out for herms. Once you get a mother that has proved itself 100% female it won't hermaphrodite on you as long as you don't stress it during flowering. Happy growing and good luck!


Well-Known Member
If it turns out that you do find male flowers just start over. It obviously has female traits so if you determine it's a hermaphrodite then plucking off male growth won't help. More will just grow back. If that's the case then just start over and save yourself the long term grief... but hopefully that's not the case
I had pretty good results from hermies before....I never throw hermies away if they show late in flowering....that is just a waste of time,nutrients, electricity etc etc.......and they could be good smoke....just a pain to keep plucking sacs


Active Member
It's hard to tell. I've had hermaphrodites before that looked similar. Squeeze that one in the last photo and see if there is a seeds inside. Squeeze a few of them to make sure. They don't look like male flowers but if one of your plants popped one out that you didn't catch you could have some seeds there.

I stay away from feminized seeds because you have a higher chance of running into herms than if you just get regular seeds, sort out the males, and keep a good mother.
seeds!!! i popped that one open in the last pic and there was a seed. i was afraid this would happen when i found a male plant that had some sacks open. so ive never had smoke with seeds. i know to remove the seeds from the smoke but is the smoke any good at all? my wife will kill me if i start over. even my medical pot is expensive. lol any advice is GREATLY appreciated.


Well-Known Member
NO, my females have that too! is a potentail seed to GET pollonated! dont kill the FEMALE, im telling u thats a GIRL!:lol:


Well-Known Member
picture that thing u plucked off as a lil pussy, its has a SEED, but it NEEDs fertalizing. dont trip dood, i thought the same thing with my fiirst grow man.;-)


Well-Known Member
seeds!!! i popped that one open in the last pic and there was a seed. i was afraid this would happen when i found a male plant that had some sacks open. so ive never had smoke with seeds. i know to remove the seeds from the smoke but is the smoke any good at all? my wife will kill me if i start over. even my medical pot is expensive. lol any advice is GREATLY appreciated.
That sucks. It looked just like mine when that happened to me like I said in my first post. I tried finishing them but the end product was shit. The quality of what female flowers I had was good but since the plants were putting so much energy into making seeds the yield sucked. Overall I had okay smoke that I was frustrated with every time I had to smoke it because it was filled with seeds. The next grow I did I had more than quadruple the yield, all high grade, no seeds. They only look like they are 3 or 4 weeks into flower. I would say (if you have access to a dispensary that sells clones) buy some clones and do sea of green. Higher number of plants but only veg for 1 week. It will mean you won't have to spend all that time starting from seed again and you will have guaranteed females. Keep one clone as a mother and if you like the strain you will have and endless supply of clones as long as you keep the mom. You can always finish them but through my experience of growing since 2003 I would say to start over. You won't be satisfied with that grow after you have a successful one and see what it could have been like. That's just my opinion though. If you can't get clones I guess just finish them and order new seeds now. Then when you get your new seeds start them and take a cutting of each. Once the cuttings root place them with your flowering plants and in a week or two they will show their sex. Throw out the males and while you're finishing flowering the herms get your females large for taking clones. Label each female separately along with the clones you took from them. Flower them out and keep an eye for herms and when you're done see which mother's clones had the best phenotype and keep that mother for future generations.


Active Member
They look like pretty lady flowers to me, and I don't think that's the right location for seed sacks. I'd wait another week or so, you got nothin to lose


Active Member
That sucks. It looked just like mine when that happened to me like I said in my first post. I tried finishing them but the end product was shit. The quality of what female flowers I had was good but since the plants were putting so much energy into making seeds the yield sucked. Overall I had okay smoke that I was frustrated with every time I had to smoke it because it was filled with seeds. The next grow I did I had more than quadruple the yield, all high grade, no seeds. They only look like they are 3 or 4 weeks into flower. I would say (if you have access to a dispensary that sells clones) buy some clones and do sea of green. Higher number of plants but only veg for 1 week. It will mean you won't have to spend all that time starting from seed again and you will have guaranteed females. Keep one clone as a mother and if you like the strain you will have and endless supply of clones as long as you keep the mom. You can always finish them but through my experience of growing since 2003 I would say to start over. You won't be satisfied with that grow after you have a successful one and see what it could have been like. That's just my opinion though. If you can't get clones I guess just finish them and order new seeds now. Then when you get your new seeds start them and take a cutting of each. Once the cuttings root place them with your flowering plants and in a week or two they will show their sex. Throw out the males and while you're finishing flowering the herms get your females large for taking clones. Label each female separately along with the clones you took from them. Flower them out and keep an eye for herms and when you're done see which mother's clones had the best phenotype and keep that mother for future generations.
thanks for all the great tips and advice. i'm definitely going with regular seeds next time.


Herm for sure bro. I've grown white widow three times and thats not the shape of the calyx,widow is a tight indica strain and those had the look of trainwreck calyx if they were pure female. I'm 100% positive you have a herm on your hands,if your whole garden looks like that I would let them flower out and just try to pick as many seeds before they ripen and spread to mass numbers. If you have any plants only showing pistils and not seed sacks get rid of everyone of those herms so you can enjoy sweet sensi.