Are these HPA roots or not?

Hi, I have been working on my HPA system for a while now and I need advice on these roots, am I overmisting or undermisting?


They have hair roots but I think the gap between every hair is still big.
I moved from soil to aero after 4 weeks from seed germination.
The cycles I have used have been in this order:
2 seconds 1 minute (no nutes)
2 seconds 2 minute (nutes)
3 seconds 3 minute (nutes)

Initial root structure was only like a string hanging from the top, the aero style structure developed with the first cycle and then hair roots increased with the next cycles.

I run DTW, nutes solution has always been at 5.7-5.8 pH (I dont trust my pH meter, feel free to recommend me a good one) and 220ppm. I really have not noticed a big change on my plants since transplant to aero, I do not know if it is because of the pH meter lying to me (and plants not taking nutrients) or because of the nutes. The nutes I have been using are FoxFarm Grow Big Hydroponic 3-2-6 (feel free to recommend other nutes in case these are no good for aero)

By the way, I'm not working with cannabis, these roots are from butterfly spinach



Well-Known Member
The root structure transition from soil to aero costs time so its better to use aero from the start. The roots look healthy but the lack of laterals suggests either the droplet size is too small or only the smaller droplets are making it to the roots. Ifyou are running drain to waste (which you should be ;) ), comparing the input and run off ppm and ph will tell you what is happening in the rootzone and what (if any) changes to make.
The root structure transition from soil to aero costs time so its better to use aero from the start. The roots look healthy but the lack of laterals suggests either the droplet size is too small or only the smaller droplets are making it to the roots. Ifyou are running drain to waste (which you should be ;) ), comparing the input and run off ppm and ph will tell you what is happening in the rootzone and what (if any) changes to make.
Thanks, input is 220ppm and run off 150ppm so i guess they are starting to take the nutrients. Will make some adjustments to pressure regulator then, it is at 105-110 currently, should I go to 80 or 90? I use these nozzles ( MNRED ) with a solenoid on each one.


Well-Known Member
The in/out ppm difference is a good sign. Whether dropping the pressure will help kinda depends on the system. If, for example,you have the nozzles arranged firing downwards that would result in the larger droplets not making it back up to the roots. Altering the pressure wont have any effect with that one ;) How long have the plants been in the aero?
if youre looking for a new ph testing device, i recommend the bluelab combo meter.
Thanks, seems good but probably I will go with the Bluelab Pen (money), looks trustworthy

The in/out ppm difference is a good sign. Whether dropping the pressure will help kinda depends on the system. If, for example,you have the nozzles arranged firing downwards that would result in the larger droplets not making it back up to the roots. Altering the pressure wont have any effect with that one ;) How long have the plants been in the aero?
They have been 2 weeks now, first one only water until root started developing, second one with nutes.
My nozzles are firing sidewards.


Well-Known Member
Looks like spinach is a 6 week crop. As they`ve only effectively had 1 week of nutes i`d give them another week. Keeping a detailed record of everything will provide clues for improvements on the next run.