are these slugs going to ruin my crop?

slugs are eating the leaves on my plants. I live in north-eastern Ontario and the rain this year has been ridiculous. (record breaking down pours)... so of course, lots of slugs.
Ive buried cups to the rim in the dirt and fill them half way with beer so the slugs go in the beer and drown, but it doesn't get them all. im going to be getting slug bait tomorrow. but, what im wondering is... am i oing to get less of a yield because of all these slug holes.




use some wood ash in a circle around your plants that drys them fucks out and unlike salt wont kill ur plants


can be made or bought, but if your gonna burn your own wood make sure its not treated wood


Active Member
im havin the same problem man just put out some ortho slug pellets tonight ill let u know what happens... ive been told copper works but i made the mistak of using copper wire it dont do shit ... the egg shells did work but after a good rain it washes them away .. the beer traps work great but like u said it dont get alll of them ... wood ash works but also washes away thinking the only way to go about this is slug pellets .. as ive tried avoding it with alot of different remiedies that dont really work...


if you use alot of wood ash its hard for it to wash away it kinds gets wet sticks to its self then dries off again

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Wood ash? Wouldn't that alter your PH? Commercial slug bait works, you need to reapply several times if the rains are heavy, but it does kill the bastards.


Wood ash? Wouldn't that alter your PH? Commercial slug bait works, you need to reapply several times if the rains are heavy, but it does kill the bastards.

not if you use it around your plants in a circle.


Active Member
with my experience with wood ash one decent storm and its gone i prolly made like 4 inch mounds all the way around and two days its gone without a trace.. thats just my experience with it try whats ever u can...


with my experience with wood ash one decent storm and its gone i prolly made like 4 inch mounds all the way around and two days its gone without a trace.. thats just my experience with it try whats ever u can...

you can always reapply if that happends
thanks for all the advice. i have recent pictures from today, just not loaded into the computer yet.....
i can do everything to stop the slugs, but is the damage thats already there going to effect the out come of my crop. ie. too many dead leaves, leaves filled with holes. that kinda shit.


Active Member
so far what ive gatherd as this is my first time dealing with slugs ... as long as u get rid of the slugs now !!! they should be fine they may not be to there full potential because of the stress from the slug bites but it shoouldent make to bad of a difference in the yeild ... like i said this is my first time with slugs
so i gave up on the beer for now. i scattered wood ash around the base of them. hopefully it was enough till i can get at them again. Canadian tire was out of slug bait so a few more days shouldn't hurt them.
heres some picks, please tell me what you think.




dude those are gonna be just fine and i ment in a circle arond your grow with the ash
oh, well hopefully its nothing to put it around the base. i found a slug and put some ash on him and he curled right up. it was awesome, so i scattered that shit everywhere.ive seen alot of pictures of weed since i put those out and never have any of them looked like mine.
i never realized theres so much involvement. pretty soon im going to have to be looking for caterpillars and eggs and mold. then figuring out harvest time, i have two spots of three and another spot of two. one spot of 3 is about 3 weeks into flowering, the other spot of 3 has one in the 3rd week as well, but her sisters are not showing any signs of flower at all. the spot with 2 are tall and gangly also no signs of flower. i read that no matter what, its a must to harvest after the first frost.... where my plants are, frost comes early-mid sept. i have a little knowledge about the strains im growing and mid sept isnt long enough for atleast one of my strains.
i just want big bags of free weed.then

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
oh, well hopefully its nothing to put it around the base. i found a slug and put some ash on him and he curled right up. it was awesome, so i scattered that shit everywhere.ive seen alot of pictures of weed since i put those out and never have any of them looked like mine.
i never realized theres so much involvement. pretty soon im going to have to be looking for caterpillars and eggs and mold. then figuring out harvest time, i have two spots of three and another spot of two. one spot of 3 is about 3 weeks into flowering, the other spot of 3 has one in the 3rd week as well, but her sisters are not showing any signs of flower at all. the spot with 2 are tall and gangly also no signs of flower. i read that no matter what, its a must to harvest after the first frost.... where my plants are, frost comes early-mid sept. i have a little knowledge about the strains im growing and mid sept isnt long enough for atleast one of my strains.
i just want big bags of free weed.then

I've been told on here that big plants can withstand a few frosts if they aren't total freezes. I say let them go till the frost kills them