Are These Trichromes?? **PICS**


Active Member
Simply, are these small trich's starting to grow on the little bit of bud or just little hairs??

(the picture is the best I could do, sorry)





Active Member
Yup, its my only plant, so i'm going to get some seeds from it and some low grade smoke hopefully.




Well-Known Member
DId you force it to hermie on purpose? I wouldn't use it for seeds just order some good seeds from attitude for your next grow.


Well-Known Member
Trichomes are just the 'crystals' on the plants, the sugary look if you will. That plant indeed has trichomes, and a hermie doesn't always have low-grade smoke...keep your hopes up :joint:


Active Member
that is true actually, I have smoked some allright bud with seeds in, thanks for the optimism.




Well-Known Member
No. What you see are called stamens. The hairs that grow white and turn brown. At the base of each stamen there will be a seed sac that, if you had sinsemilla, would not produce a seed but fill with resin. The trichomes are, like previously stated, the crystals that are secreted all over the leaves and buds.


Active Member
No. What you see are called stamens. The hairs that grow white and turn brown. At the base of each stamen there will be a seed sac that, if you had sinsemilla, would not produce a seed but fill with resin. The trichomes are, like previously stated, the crystals that are secreted all over the leaves and buds.
lol :roll:, I'm sure he wasn't talking about the actual hairs (notice he said 'little ones' starting to form). Yes, the little bits, not the hairs, are trichomes. They are visible both on the fan leaves and on the calyxes.


Well-Known Member
By visible, do you mean you can clearly see each indivdual mushroom shaped trichome.


You need a microscope for an in depth look-see, which is the best way to know when to for your trichomes turning from clear to milky/cloudy, and then maybe to amber (not always though) Amber trichs are more readily found in sativa dom. strains


Active Member
I don't have a camera or microscope good enough to get that close up. I think when I look closely at the pictures I can see the mushroom shaped trichomes just.




Well-Known Member
No. What you see are called stamens. The hairs that grow white and turn brown. At the base of each stamen there will be a seed sac that, if you had sinsemilla, would not produce a seed but fill with resin. The trichomes are, like previously stated, the crystals that are secreted all over the leaves and buds.

What you're seeing are called "Pistils". Stamens are what hold the "anthers" to the plant, the anthers being the balls of the male.

pistillate = Female
Stamenate = Male

Even sinsemilla produces a seed here and there. I have no idea of the mechanics behind it, but they do. I have found seeds in what I know to be "no male contact" females. I'm pretty sure that a hermie got by someone, somewhere, and I DO KNOW that every seed I grew from them have produced all female progeny.
There are quite a bit of trichomes forming. They contain the THC. You should be happy with the smoke, hermie or no. And those seeds will give you "no males" as opposed to all females. They MIGHT have a propensity to create more hermies, but I haven't seen that in my short experience.