Are you feeling sad??


Well-Known Member
Does any one else have this problem...I like it hot or even warm, wife does not, she likes it cool to cold. South west Fl is where I want to be, she likes it here.


Well-Known Member
I LIE, LIE, LIE for me it's all about timing. I wear shorts until I can't anymore ( this turned out to be last week when the temps went to -8 ) and tell myself that it's still summer till then. Fall lasts until Christmas, and Spring starts January 2nd as the days have been getting longer for almost 2 weeks by then. As I am fond of saying, it's my lie let me tell it anyway I want to. Another thing that helps is that along with growing marijuana, I start my some of my flower and vegetable seeds in late February ahhhhhh Spring. :weed:


Well-Known Member
It can be tough to be motivated to do anything outside when it starts hitting -45 with the wind.

Goddam...that's Celsius...and also a bit fck'd up.
Very nearly doesn't matter at that point. You're almost at the intersection of the two curves.


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Staff member
I was actually sort of chuckling thinking when I unfreeze I'll let you know how I feel LOL We are 18 and that's cold. The ravens are flying to be fed so I have to go outside. I hate that part.


Well-Known Member
Does any one else have this problem...I like it hot or even warm, wife does not, she likes it cool to cold. South west Fl is where I want to be, she likes it here.


Well-Known Member
My wife wants actual seasons and hates sand. I want to live on a mountain on a tropical island so I have a year round growing season and springlike conditions with the ability to have summer and winter by changing elevation.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I was looking for a hooker I tossed in the trash, have you seen her?
No, but I'd hit up Clayton or Minne, one of them might have a line on her.

I'm sorry I assumed you meant a she, please pardon my misandric tendencies. If it was a he you might want to check with Nether or Loq too.


Well-Known Member
I love the winter because the nights are so long and oxys feel so much better in cold weather