Are you one who feels the bern really bad?


Well-Known Member
Just one?
It's the most obvious, but the fact that she is not republican;-)
DINO; Democrat In Name Only.

Her policies are republican, her track record is republican, the same republicans are pouring huge 'contributions'- read, multimillion dollar bribes by corporations- into her campaign.

What about that isn't republican, other than a name?

And why do you cling to the notion that she will give any more fucks about average citizens here than she did about them anywhere else when she was SecState?

Don't be suckered by the label.


Well-Known Member
and bernie votes with her 90% of the time.

so you are rooting for a 90% republican.
Since there's no one with a lower republican quotient, that's the guy we're stuck with if we want anything besides more of the same.

Better than 99% like Shillary.


Well-Known Member
He is on the ballot as Bernie Sanders.
Are you certain about that? You've been wrong one or twice before, and his given name is Bernard Sanders.

This is exactly the kind of shit the establishment will pounce on to get its way over the will of the People.


Well-Known Member
So lesser of two evils is ok when deciding between democrats in the primary, but not between the democrat and republican in the general?
You mischaracterized my statement completely.

I'm FOR Mr Sanders, I think his position in the political landscape is perfectly acceptable.

Funny how you didn't mention how often Mrs Clinton's policies match with those of republicans.


Well-Known Member
You mischaracterized my statement completely.

I'm FOR Mr Sanders, I think his position in the political landscape is perfectly acceptable.

Funny how you didn't mention how often Mrs Clinton's policies match with those of republicans.
I didnt mischaracterize it at all, youre just dodging and deflecting. I didnt bring up your talking point about clinton being a republican because I dont believe it.


Well-Known Member
I didnt mischaracterize it at all, youre just dodging and deflecting. I didnt bring up your talking point about clinton being a republican because I dont believe it.
She's an establishment politician

What's your opinion about all the money she's taken from financial institutions for speeches?


Well-Known Member
She's an establishment politician

What's your opinion about all the money she's taken from financial institutions for speeches?
I dont think it is great but it doesnt bother me enough to not vote for her in the general against whatever climate change denying socially conservative candidate the gop has on the *actual* republican ticket.

I dont say this to excuse how she raises money, but I think she is slow to adapt. She is running a campaign the way past successful campaigns were by sucking up as much money as she could, assuming that everyone else would be too and not knowing that she would be running against a candidate that didnt.

Whoever wins it will be interesting to see what impact the outcome will have on future elections.


Well-Known Member
I didnt mischaracterize it at all, youre just dodging and deflecting. I didnt bring up your talking point about clinton being a republican because I dont believe it.
I'm speaking plainly. Your inability to accept what I'm saying at face value is what seems to be the problem.

So once again, please explain which of Mrs Clinton's stated policy positions isn't straight from the Republican playbook?


Well-Known Member
I'm speaking plainly. Your inability to accept what I'm saying at face value is what seems to be the problem.

So once again, please explain which of Mrs Clinton's stated policy positions isn't straight from the Republican playbook?
Think Supreme Court. Think about the last 30 years. Think how much MORE impact that will have on things than a 4 or 8 year president. Think about another Scalia. Think! You' re voting for more than just the candidate...