Areo/Fog Clone Question


Active Member
i just built a fog cloner (3 gal bucket, fog maker, air stone) worked ok i was wondering should i cycle it on and off, and when using a cloner (areo or fog) what do you use in the water...i just ph to 6 and call it good.


Well-Known Member
cycling the fog bit is nice....but the air should run 24/7

you kind of have to watch the rez temps to see


Well-Known Member
the res seems to get real hot when the ultrasonic fogger runs 24/7
yeah you need to cycle it on and off .... it all depends on how hot it gets and how fast , Turn it on for half an hour ON and 15 off ... let it run for a few hours and check temps as it runs ... you will be able to work out how long is to long with a few tweaks

so to sum up ... Cycle fogger ... airstone 24/7

show us a pic :)
Might be late on response, but you could have a remote container and "PUMP" it into the cloner with a hose, might solve the heat issue


one minute on, 3-4 minutes off. this keeps the fog pretty constant in the chamber, but prevents the fogger from getting the chamber too hot.
i used an arduino to do this. you could use a 555 timer but the arduino is very easily reprogrammable.