Argh! Why are leaves going crispy? And how to resolve?


Active Member
So, most of my fan leaves are going crispy and brown, as in the pic below, and I don't want to try the wrong cure attempt and just make it worse. Most of the fan leaves are doing this at 3 weeks into bloom, yet the smaller leaves are not showing even the slightest tip burn? The plants are in pro-mix, drip top feed, GH nutes, pH 6.2, was near 1000ppm when the problem first started, assumed it may be burn so I dropped it to 500ppm and it's still getting worse. No way the nutrient solution is lacking anything, I change it weekly. I wouldn't think any plant would burn at 500ppm? I water till runoff so they're shouldn't be salt buildup? I also thought maybe I wasn't letting the pro-mix dry out enough between waterings, but leaves have no overwater droop at all, they're perky and upright, until they go crispy that is. Anyone know what's wrong from the pic?



Active Member
In case it's nute burn I want to flush with plain water, but am slightly afraid to in case the roots have been too wet, hence my dilemma.

Here's how they were a week ago(worse now)....
