Arizona growing outdoors


Well-Known Member
hi, i am a new grower i'm 21 i live in arizona and i am just wondering if a plant could survive in arizona weather
? i have 2 seeds germinating right now and one growing in illnois i have little experience please anyone let me know


Well-Known Member
hi, i am a new grower i'm 21 i live in arizona and i am just wondering if a plant could survive in arizona weather
? i have 2 seeds germinating right now and one growing in illnois i have little experience please anyone let me know
Yeah, they will survive pretty much anywhere, I wouldn't grow in pots in AZ though.

It's really a bit too late to start any new plants and expect anything from them this year, but it is never to soon to start planning for next year.

Well-Known Member
hi, i am a new grower i'm 21 i live in arizona and i am just wondering if a plant could survive in arizona weather
? i have 2 seeds germinating right now and one growing in illnois i have little experience please anyone let me know
HAAEL YEAH! especially above 6500' in the only'soil'-volcanic cinders(don't ask me how I know!!!!!)...try a hillbilly desert bucket setup next yr.- 5 gal bucket with a suspended 1/4"mesh basket occupying the upper 1/2, and whatever soil medium in the basket. I use weeds as a screen between the basket and need some cloth wicking material to soak up the water from the reservoir in the bottom 1/2. change the water in the res' weekly by pulling out the basket and dumping. this water is deviod of o2....depending on how often you water(the more the better!), you can probably fit a drain plug to a hole bored the right size, thus avoiding the moving of the basket(dodgy maneuver!). otherwise, cage it or the javelinas will make short work of all your hauling water god knows how far! if you're above 5000' in are living in one of the best growing areas in the country! too bad they hang yer' ass for a frickin' roach there! :blsmoke: