Arrest-Proof Yourself Book


New Member
uhhhhh, no?

It's not like I'm spamming all the boards with ads for some fucking chinese weight loss program. I'm sharing a book I'm reading in the proper forum category so that maybe other people will read it too and gain knowledge, or possibly even have a discussion with others that have read the book. Crazy huh?


Well-Known Member
Well you link right to where they are selling the book, and the low post count. It looks like your selling a book. My bad of your not.


New Member
I linked to google cuz it was the first shit that popped up when I googled the book... plus it had good infos and user reviews and summaries and all that.


Active Member
I read it. It's a good book. A lot of the information is stuff you can learn on your own, but I'd recommend.


Well-Known Member
just face it... you learn all your rights, but really. if youre got youre got


New Member
Kinda funny, most of the book is actually about avoiding cops in the first place. Seems like common sense really and a waste of half a book (but it's still good). Only in the last half does he really start discussing techniques to deal with cops.


Well-Known Member
if you live in the USA.......... you will NEVER be 100% arrest proof till the US see's this medication as beneficial to the Economy

Certain Tobacco agencies are 500% ahead of us buying 50k acres of perfect growing areas in the Emerald Triangle.

once weed hits the political arena it's all down hill...... stock pile your seeds!