asbestos insulation?


Active Member
so im constructing a stealth grow and i've run into some yellow insulation and i fear it may be asbestos. I've googled the hell out of it and i have found loose gray vermiculite insulation that contains asbestos(god-damn they put the stuff in about everything from paint,to floor tiles, to concrete, wall mud, and most commonly in boiler pipe and high-temp insulation that was fire resistant.) . altho mine is the roll type and looks just like regular fiberglass insulation. its a browinish yellow. the house was built the late 40's early 50's, prime asbestos era. in-fact the siding is made out of asbestos. it looks like the floor tiles are too but neither bothers me much because theirs little risk of releasing the fibers into the air. but this damn insulation is gonna put out clouds of shit. I NEED to identify this crap and my progress has been stopped dead. ill have pics up soon. also note that fiberglass insulation was invented in 1938. any ideas? anybody know how much lab testing of asbestos costs?


Active Member
yeah its fucking asbestos. i havent messed with it yet, but i must have inhaled a bunch of it when i did some construction about a year or two ago. what the fuck! i think that this should be made into semi common knowledge on this site that asbestos is in EVERYTHING. we should be able to identify this shit. it was used in everything, everywhere for a long time. the type of shit that we are up to on this site, and as common as it is we should all know.


Well-Known Member
that blows but my house that i lived in for 20years had asbestos and as long as its not disturbed you shouldnt have a problem.... but i would get rid of it profesionally

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
it will pop your lung sacs and then your lung scars over then you cant breath,wear a mask getting rid of that shite


Active Member
Man Best thing to do Is fuckin Get rid of that shit It can give u some fucked up Health Problems
i hear that. it gives you cancer because its fibers break off into microscopic shards that "tickle" your dna. this in turn causes the cell to go crazy, mutate, reproduce, and spread your lungs with retarded usless cells. its actually alot like rockwool.


Well-Known Member
it will pop your lung sacs and then your lung scars over then you cant breath,wear a mask getting rid of that shite
I STRONGLY advise against doing it yourself. It needs to be removed a certain way or it will release al the poisons into the air.

It's costly though, a few thousand depending on how much needs to be removed


Well-Known Member
Dont do it yourself, Hide your grow, if you live in an estate you could ring your local officials and ask them for advice, I know that over here the government subsidises the removal of asbestos. You never know....


Active Member
thanks for the advice everybody, and im gonna take precautions that are probably gonna include whatever mask professional asbestos removal companies use. all i have to do is make a door to my "spot" and most of the work has been done. so i only have to deal with about 3 sq ft of it. i think im gonna just saturate it with some sort of oily substance and fold it over. its fairly encapsulated so im not too worried. plus i have fucked with the crap before when i didnt know what it was. i have already been exposed a while ago, so im not gonna let this stop me now that i know how to deal with it. its only harmful when its airborne. fuck it. i guess the way i see it, the harm has been done way more in comparison to the very little damage im gonna incure, so i might as well get something out of it.

everybody think im crazy?:twisted:


Well-Known Member
i hear that. it gives you cancer because its fibers break off into microscopic shards that "tickle" your dna. this in turn causes the cell to go crazy, mutate, reproduce, and spread your lungs with retarded usless cells. its actually alot like rockwool.
lmao! tickles your dna.....


Well-Known Member
wear a mask, wet it down, remove in to sealed bags, and try to spray the room with a fine mist to take any particles out of the air, be warned this shit can be nasty..


wear a mask, wet it down, remove in to sealed bags, and try to spray the room with a fine mist to take any particles out of the air, be warned this shit can be nasty..
Exactly what you need to do, make sure its a really good mask not just a paper one. Also, don't "try" to spray the room with a mist, DO mist the entire room, in fact if you could have someone just doing this anytime anything flies free would be best. And don't forget that shit is on your clothes too, so make sure you plan for it in advance. A single fiber of asbestos takes like 7 years to touch the ground it is so small, wet them down and they fall with the water.

No your not crazy, you would be crazy to give up or call in an outside source at this point, fuck it take precautions. Most of the serious cases of mesothelioma were by people who worked with it day in and day out.