Attempting first coco grow - need help please!


Active Member
Will be trying out coco for the first time and planned to use organic nutes such as biobizz grow, bloom and topmax. Will this be ok when growing in this medium? I have heard that there may be a chance of deficiancies. If this is the case is it possible to grow using coco and organic nutes? Whats the best way to go about this?

If anyone has any experience of growing this way please let me know. I wanted to keep the grow organic.



Active Member
Ok.... so I will be a bit more specific.... Planning on using a mix of coco, EWC and Perlite as well as the Biobizz nutes mentioned above through vegging and flowering. Does anyone have any experience of this kind of medium with the biobizz nutes or in any other soilless mix?

Really want to try this grow but just a bit worried that the babies may run into some deficciancies along the way.... any ideas of supps i might need alongside the standard, grow, bloom topmax? Will this work in the mix suggested?


Active Member
You should be ok. From what I have noticed with coco is that its rather high in phos. I do some plants out side in coco croutons with just botanicare pure blend. Never added anything else to the mix and they do great. I add mollasis as well