attitude again


sorry guys i know there are alot of threads already but a close friend has used seeds before from greenhouse and he asked me to order his seeds so there is no paper trail he asked for 5 feminised great white sharks so i gave him his order a month ago his phoned me saying the seeds are shite he wanted a mother plant so only used one seed at a time out of the 5 fem seeds 3 sprouted but it grow less than 0.5 cm them stopped and never grew since in a few weeks so he was pissed cos he paid me for the seeds i tried to phone attitude and say there is a problem with the seeds they asked what kind of problem well i said my friend knows the laws in the uk but tried to germinate seeds with no luck there bad seeds they said we cannot discuss this and cannot do nothink to help you and hung up the phone now like i said his used greenhouse fems before with 99%sucess but really believes they are selling bunk seeds just thought it should be shared


Active Member
attitude seeds are for collector's. They are not to be germinated. You got what you deserve for calling them and saying something so dumb.


yeah he just didnt want to leave a paper trail well think his just pissed at losing the money i know it wasnt much but he expected atleast 1 to grow well i dont really care myself but heard alot of good and bad reports online so just added what happened . budderbutton what should i of said ? not being rude just asking cos like my mate said 3 slightly sprouted so not like i could send them back


Active Member
If the seeds are bad then Attitude won't be able to help you. They won't be willing to discuss germination or anything like that since legally they must use the defense that the seeds are for other purposes. And although the seed bank does hold responsibility it's really more on Greenhouse Seed Company if the seeds were poor.

Are you sure it wasn't a problem with the conditions of your friends grow? I've heard people complain about germination rates from GHS but it seems strange that they would sprout and then not grow any further.


near. i dont know last time he got his seeds in greenhouse shop when he was in amsterdam so not a clue but if his used there seeds before and they worked not sure why he would of done anythink different well either way i dont really care about it its not me so no loss but i just read alot of good and bad reports so thought i would write what happened after all thats what this section is for and he said his never ordered from them before so i was just adding a seed bank review it may well of been a gh seed problem not sure. and i know it was real stu[pid for me to phone and say that i know but just felt bad cos he paid me so thought you never kniow they might do somethink


Well-Known Member
Should have named this thread greenhouse again. But again in defense of those who grow ALOT, its depends on germ technique and conditions. If they popped out of the husk,the seed did its part. Shitty germination keeps them stunted and slow growth. These are NOT squash seeds we are growing, no one said it would be easy. If your friend is being a punk, just beat him down...thats what I would do...a friend should understand HE is the idiot. Not you...not the tude!


Well-Known Member
Christ man, know where the period button is on the keyboard? I got winded just reading the OP.

Like others have said, attitude cant help you on germinating, that's Greenhouse. It's possible attitude had some older Greenhouse seeds that they sent you, but they seem to be one of the more reliable banks around.


Well-Known Member
why does everyone blame attitude seed BANK and not the breeders they chose to order from the BANK?


Active Member
why does everyone blame attitude seed BANK and not the breeders they chose to order from the BANK?
Because the breeder did not sell me or him the seeds, the vender did.
I have purchased beans from the tude, 5 barneys farms blue cheese fem, 3 out 5 came up and are doing fine, the other two notta!!!!


Well-Known Member
You're dealing with a live product. To expect 100% every time is a bit pessimistic. Now I agree that spending money on them they should be good, but I can say out of 50 seeds I germed I got 48 of them up.

Did you ever think to consider that 5 seeds really isn't even a sample size.


Well-Known Member
Because the breeder did not sell me or him the seeds, the vender did.
exactly, and the vendor gets the seeds from the breeder. attitude is willing to help figure out what the problem is, but legally they cannot sell seeds for breeding/germinating where this practice is not permitted. its a liability issue. this was a newb mistake on your part, as you should never mention the word "germinating" on the phone with attitude.
they are a very reliable shipping company and that is the most we can ask for given the nature of marijuana laws around the globe.


Well-Known Member
exactly, and the vendor gets the seeds from the breeder. attitude is willing to help figure out what the problem is, but legally they cannot sell seeds for breeding/germinating where this practice is not permitted. its a liability issue. this was a newb mistake on your part, as you should never mention the word "germinating" on the phone with attitude.
they are a very reliable shipping company and that is the most we can ask for given the nature of marijuana laws around the globe.
Yep. Should've read their website where it mentions they can't discuss germination. Would've been better off complaining they were crushed and send them back some bad seeds.


yeah you guys are right could of been old seeds or his technique well he didnt throw the seeds he left them as they were one finally grew . he said its a lovely little mum to be . one of you posted 5 seeds isnt much of a order i know that but he doesnt grow big for supply and only wanted to do one at a time for a mother well i posted back just to say maybe it was a greenhouse problem maybe old seeds not sure but other than that there delivery time and method were ok i got to be fair

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i have used the attitude for many orders and have ordered a number of greenhouse seeds including great white shark and have never had a problem unless it was my fault by not useing damp off. there is a stage early on after the seed pops the soil that right at the top of the soil level the sprout will rot at the stem and stop growing and just die. i am not saying you did not get bad seeds but generally if all the seeds in a pack are a problem then i would have to say it was not the attitude or greenhouse fault. most of the times the problem is with the person trying to germinate the seeds. even old seeds should be fine, maybe a lower percentage of germ rates but most likely not all of them would be bad. i do buy other seeds made by many breeders not just greenhouse but the following are all greenhouse that i have tried over the last few years.

i have grown great white shark, lemon skunk ,the church, big bang, hym. gold, cheese, trainwreck, white rhino and k-train all from greenhouse and all germed and grew just fine. and right now is super silver haze, nevilles haze and arjan's haze and so far so good.

you def. cant call attitude and say you tried to germ the seeds and they are no good. if you yourself have no problem germing seeds , then maybe you should get him started and once they get the first couple of true leaves, give them to him for his grow.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
my last order that came, none of the plastic bubbles were pushed in to keep the seeds from making noise when you shake it. i think they may have stopped pushing in the bubble protectors so less likely the seed to get damage by the person crimping the bubble and sending the order and less of a chance people saying the seeds were crushed.

but yeah i would have said they were crushed instead of germ probs.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your buddy killed them not attitude. Only time I have had problems with their seeds is through my own error. And btw GHS guarantees every seed will germinate and stand by their word. His germinated and he killed em so it is his fault.