Attitude wrong shipping method???


Active Member
I was trying to order from Attitude and they would not accept my old password/ user name, and after filling out the check out form a bunch of times and refreshing, I accidentally left the shipping method on Great Britain, when I live in Chicago. It was only a $5 difference in the total amount, so I didn't notice. I received an email shortly after that said my order had been dispatched. I emailed them as soon as I noticed and expected to hear from them by today but have not heard anything yet. My questions are, is there any way my package will still arrive here even though it was the wrong shipping method? I know they probably are circulating around the UK right now, so what do you guys think they will do about this?

Cheech Bong

I have heard nothing but good things about Attitude. I have a lot of faith that they will do what it takes to get you your product.....

On the other hand, I have never personally dealt with Attitude so I am interested in knowing the outcome of this. Please keep us posted..... GL


Well-Known Member
they should correct it the most ud have to do is pay the extra 5 bucks they have great customer service and are a really good company they will correct it


Active Member
They emailed me today and said that they noticed what I did and upgraded my shipping at no extra cost to me!! They said to make sure I choose the right one next time of course, but that is some great service, i didn't expect them to forget about that $5.


Well-Known Member
haha there you go and thats why tude is one of the best ive seen where peoples seeds were crushed and they sent them new ones free of charge like i said before they are a great company

Happy growing