Aussie Aussie Aussie


Hello, rollitup! Just thought I'd introduce myself first before I start posting in threads. My usual forum name is Aussie, but that wasn't available here, so I had to fall back on an old nick.
I'm an antipodean glassblower with 20 years of experience in lampworking and many of the glassblowers who post here know my work. You can check my pipe stuff out here
My main work doesn't actually involve smoking paraphernalia ( my other stuff ), but I've always been interested in making pipes, because it's the perfect marriage of scientific technique and artistic imagination. I also enjoy the challenge of working within the constraints of a functional object.
cheers and greeting from Down Under!


You know that feeling you get when you walk into a bar all friendly like and say "Hi!" and people just stare at you?


So I'm sitting at the bar talking to one of the few people I know in town and in the meantime people are staring holes in my back. I guess links are a bit old school compared to posting pics.

Anyway, welcome to the forum, wickedglass! We're looking forward to seeing some of your work and hopefully you'll be able to make some valuable contributions. Please grab yourself a coffee and have a seat ... bowl perhaps?

Thank you very much for making me feel so welcome, I think I just might take you up on that bowl. Cookies, anyone?


Well-Known Member
ah true that, it does get cold down that way for sure, and yea its not too bad here atm nights not so cold, days warming up abit lol anyway, do you grow at all mate ? hope to see you around man its always good to see some aussies around man. have a good one mate


I haven't grown in a while, I've gotten too interested in concentrating on my glass to have a hobby that could potentially have an interrupting influence on it. I prefer to be able to pay someone to take the risks instead. ;)
Don't get me wrong, I used to love growing (strictly greenhouse organic), but I love glassblowing more.
I think I should paste some images of my stuff, like the nice kitty suggested, the links weren't very obvious, hehe.

This is an inline I made recently, I know, the bowl is giant and I don't have a shotty on it, but trust me, it's easy to clear the chamber

and one of my slides

Plasma .... ohshiny

These are the black pawns from a penguin/polarbear chess set from last year
James and Clyde comprise a single pawn, I just couldn't separate them.

one of the bishops from the same set

a martini glass called Martini Enlightenment

one of my prop cameras made with polymer and glass bits (eyes and such) I had lying around. I didn't have access to my studio at the time and needed to do something.

These are the white pawns from the set mentioned above

The size of the above inline compared to my hand

this is a more serious handbuild

I think this is the one kitty meant, Dynasty Dragon Sword dabber and Oni dish with
antler style dabber rest

one of my eye marbles

bored with clicking?
This is the last one for now, a xenomorph inline containment unit

thanks for checking it out :)

I have no idea why Joe has a little thumbnail down there, btw ... he's always the first to arrive and the last to leave ... mmeh



Well-Known Member
dude that is some wicked glass, man that eye ball is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo freaking sweet, i have never grown in a green house before, but i have been thinking about it as i have recently moved into a different eara and the house also has a rather large greenhouse already build and ready to go, i'm also on abit of land but i wont grow on it too close to home, but i was thinking of maybe trying a little personal grow in the green house. also you being in a colder place, then i, when did you used to start your seedlings ?? you would probly know already, all the vegie farmers in QLD grow there vegeis in winter as summer is too hot for it to grow right, so i start my girls about half way thouht winter, and let them grow the rest of the winter, all the way thoungh spring, all the way thought summer and harvest at the end of autumn. did you used to do it something like this....


I used to put them to seed so they were ready to put into the ground start of September and harvest in Feb, any longer and we'd get rot in the buds because of the greenhouse atmosphere and because the buds were so dense. Being in a greenhouse, you might find that you can start your crop later and still get huge results. I was getting 3+m plants with giant buds. I went a little gagaaaaa on my first grow when I saw what was happening. It was great to see what a worm farm and compost made with peaches and apricots (we had fruit trees with too much fruit to eat and turn into marmalade) turned into good soil will do (don't use fruit too much, though) :) Lawn clippings over the top of that will keep the roots nice and warm, too. Whitewashing the windows is a must when growing in a greenhouse, it still lets way enough light in while keeping prying eyes from seeing whats in there. We were right in the flight path of the cop chopper from Moorabbin airport, so it needed to be done, although if they ever turned their IR in our direction, they still would have gotten a signature...


Harvesting's not the problem, try trimming all that :D

seriously, though, usually 4, 5 was pushing it space wise, because they got so big :P we had tomatoes and veggies in the front of the greenhouse.


I've been working towards an exhibition, but I've taken some time out for dishes and dabbers, to have a break away from the exhibition stuff. These are some of the results. Alien, Conan and Gothic themed, respectively.

