auto-flower growth stunt


Active Member
Hey all. Had a quick question for the board at large. I've got two auto flowering seeds. I germinated them and kept outside for 3-4 days the were growing fast! I brought them inside due to the crazy amounts of rain we've been getting. They were pretty saturated. I'm using a low nutrient soil I got from the hydroponic store. I didn't add any extra perlite to the mix like I'm now believing I should have. Currently have them hooked up with a slew of cfls and a fluorescent light. I have them in a 5 gallon. I put out some sticky traps and caught some nats.

I'm not seeing much or any real growth I'm on day 7 and they really chilled out. I have a fan on them and a window open also. Plus during the day letting it get pretty hot. on a 20-4 schedule. Any advice on why they are not really growing?

Anything I should do?? Got a tent en route, but if it's a waste I will likely return. Not ready to count my losses this is my first time dealing with auto flowering strains. Not sure if I stressed them out by bring them inside. I can put the strain out there if it's necessary. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
Might play some plantasia and hope for the best. With plants I know you gotta think it terms of weeks not days but something is definitely off.