auto flower outside


Well-Known Member
I will try to find some spyder ...I think ya misunderstood my post tho. The yield is not a problem with most autos...its the potency I have a beef with.


Well-Known Member
got some autos as freebies but never had an interest. gave a few away as a matter of fact. but tempted to run a spyder or 2 just for sheer aesthetics...damn pretty lady if ya ask me. good job canned abyss! everytime i window shop on attitude i always check her out and one of these days i'm gonna toss her in my cart and hit checkout


Well-Known Member
ive just started 2 auto's from a previous purchase and going to put them outside. i have them under a 400watt inside on 24/7, once they get up a lil and stable enough to handle an outside condition.. i will post pics and journal it. aoto's are amnesia and kaya 47..