Auto Flowering Plants?


Well-Known Member
Anyone have experience with auto flowering plants? I'd like to give them a try, they sound interesting, but I'd like some input from someone with experience with them. As in: how do I set the light...24/0 or 18/6 or 12/12, how about yield, are they potent, do they really work as described, are they any more sensitive to problems, etc. any input is appreciated. Or if you have a thread to recommend. Anybody? :eyesmoke:bongsmilie


New Member
they are too small if your gonna risk it why not go for something worth getting caught for. other than that they are great for stealth grows recommended light cycle is 18/6, theyre just as potent as the big plants just a lot smaller there for a lot smaller yield.


Well-Known Member
they stay on veg lighting cycle (16-24hrs)... they nvr hit 12/12 they just autoflower.... u cant clone them nor stop them from flowering.... there for if ur plants not of size u want it to be, its gonna flower when its ready... not when u r.... the up sides to them is u dont need 2 rooms cuz it does it all on a veg light cycle... so no need for 2 lights or veging them flipping to 12/12, then vegging more, then 12/12..... u can veg and flower at the same time in the same room crating an ez perpetual grow with less lights, space and time.. but a more expensive 1 as u cant clone them so u have to keep buying seeds