Auto Great White Shark


Well-Known Member
Everytime I grow I experiment with the weakest of the plants. I believe seeing failure helps your success. This "runt plant" was given triple+ doses of nitrogen during veg and triple doses of my flower lineup. The plant was about as far away and shaded from the light as I could get it in the box. And lastly It was in a 4 inch square pot the entire grow. With all of that said it still produced about a half oz. Unfortunately the pot from it sucked. with all of the stress it was immature still and may never have ripened. It also never grew any hairs. Just the calyx. So you might ask, what did I learn from that.... well honestly this time, not much. Just that theres a bunch of really dumb people out there, if I can put a plant through this kind of hell and still get a 1/2, wtf.

Enough rambling. I just wanted to thank everyone for the support and questions. As I always do im gonna dissapear again for a couple of months. Its about to be so hot I cant afford to control the grow temps. I shall return tho. I have bigger better plans for the future. Everybody stay safe!



Well-Known Member
keep an eye out for what i got next. You guys havent seen nothing yet. Next round is a double grow. Im gonna built a second shelf in my box. 150w on the top and the 250 below. Double this grow 2 gallon pots. A better nute cycle since I know what they like. I have a few more ideas up my sleeve but I need to research a bit more and see if they work. (dwc, light warrior, silicon, led's, uvb. I know they're played out topics but im a pessimist. I have to really believe before I try.)

Again, Thanks for everything, stay safe. Your a cool ass dude right until you tell to many people......shut your f'in mouth.

Peace out B'tches!!!!