Auto - looks ok to me but no growth for 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Hi team, what do you make of this?
It's a feminised auto Blueberry from Spanish Seeds and is part of my first grow.[/ATTACH] Auto4.jpg Auto3.jpg
It started to flower a couple of weeks ago and, since then, hasn't moved.
It's in a mixture of orchid potting mix and perlite and was fed Growrite vegging nutes until the flowers arrived, them Budrite twice since then. Because she's not growing, it takes a while for the medium to dry out, so I don't have much opportunity to experiment. All I've done so far is to try a good drink of plain water once (ph 6.4), other than that I've no idea.
She's in a tent with some photos under a bunch if Cree 3590 cobs on 18/6. The other plants are going ok after a bit of a slow start.
What do you think?



Well-Known Member
Its your choice of medium ... Orchid mix . Holds too much moisture ( bark , moss , etc. )
Autos are fickle little plants ... Once something screws with them they shutdown ( stall / stunt ) ... The excessive moisture that you describe ( it doesnt dry fast enough ) tells me you probably have root issues.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
She looks fine she is busy building up to finish she should only get fatter from now on. Just dont keep her wet and you will be mucho happy in another four five weeks. Interesting mix looks like its working well. She will start to drink a lot so keep a check, very nice job keep up the good work. enjoy


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. There is really no potting mix that drains better than Orchid mix as far as I'm aware, but nothing dries out quicker than a plant that's busy putting on plenty of flower or green leaf - and this little thing just isn't.
I guess there's not much more that I can do, other than to let her continue to dry out then give her another fresh water drink. I've brought one of those cheap probes that says how wet/dry the soil is and how the ph is doing, and that says that soil is about halfway between 'wet' and 'dry' lol, so that's a fat lot of use :/
The ph looks ok though, at about 6 and a quarter.
I'll just wait and see. Thanks again.