Auto Strawberry Gum (Advanced Seeds) grow


Well-Known Member
if you grew these under a light indoors how did it get so wet that it rotted? Are you sure you just didn't allow air to flow thru the plant? And that's what caused the rot or mildew/mold?
I grow under LED so humidity in grow box doesn't defer a lot from what is outside. At the moment there were a lot of rains here almost 2 weeks non stop, humidity was 80-90% Rh at 25-28 degrees Celsius. For airflow I have a PC fan that blows right above the canopy.

For the next grow I will renew growing medium and wash closet with something to disinfect the space.


Well-Known Member
I had collected kif from grinder. Given the amount of buds I had that's dissent result.
If you are in yo making hash or extracts, this strain will probably make you happy.



Well-Known Member
I had made some cannabutter from fan leaves, thin branches and trim left after this grow and +Speed Auto.

I had 30 grams of weed and used butter in 1:6 to 1:8 ratio. I grind weed in a blander, cooked it in the owen for 15 minutes on 120 degrees Celsius and cooked weed/butter mix in a closed jar on a boiling water bath for 10 hours.

I still gad some water frozen in to burrom of butter disk. Don't really know how to get rid of it.

I hadn't tried it yet, but think cannabuter wouldn't be very strong hence to used plant material.

