Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs

Medi user

Active Member
I'd be a bit concerned about them getting too wet, the soil needs to allow air in to the roots. You are unlikely to be over nuting them. Fresh air to the leaves is important as this provides raw materials for growth as well. I guess lights are ok, temps are not too bad, nutes seem ok, check for over watering / flushing. Soil is pretty good at buffering ph problems. Perlite / vermiculite is a pretty cheap additive and helps with drainage, these plants like a lot of air in the roots. Maybe mix some in the next time you increase pot size. If it is easy for you to get some root stimulant eg Canna Rhizotonic £10 250ml, this will help young plants get established and stable. Try a leaf spray with some carbonated water and 1/2 or 1/4 nutes. This should show a quick improvement or deterioration ie over 24hr. If it makes things worse just wash off with more water spray.


Well-Known Member
Well.. things seem to be improving a little bit. Ive just been watering with a bit of calcified seaweed. I also discovered today that T, the 5 week old WR still to sex, is a girl which would be great if her leaves hadnt started dying about a week ago! Shes still very green tho; my theory is it was because she was stood in the tub with the run-off from the others but I dont really know anything! Anyway Ive cut off most of the dead / dying leaves from X and T, for selfish reasons really coz I wanted them to look nice so they didnt depress me everytime I looked at them, but they seem to have taken it OK and are looking better at least! X is probably about 6 weeks now and I think shes behind what she should be but shes starting to get a lot more pistils now which is great so Im hoping its a sign shes getting better. Hopefully might get something out of her in the end! Her side branches seem to be coming along really well, although I dont know if its just coz you can see them more with the dying big fan leaves gone. I have a bit more hope now anyway.

* and retard are still very pale, Im just watering with calcified seaweed but Im trying not to water for a while coz I have been flushing and dont want to overwater them, it could be a possibility at the mo.

The diesels are doing OK at the moment, and the one that started screwing up has come back so thats good. I still have at least one light on all the time. Im opening the door more now too now I can have the heating on. Fingers crossed for more good progress.


mr west

Well-Known Member
i would never prune a leaf off if it wasnt dead and falling off first, that lil bit of green u just threw away on the leaves is energy the plant cant make use of now. wait till they fall off that means the plant has finished with them lol.


Well-Known Member
I know, totally agree, did it for myself coz I was actually starting to want to get rid of them seeing them die before my eyes. They were mostly dead anyway but I know it wasnt ideal. Mind you on X taking off the dead leaves has uncovered loads of side branches so Im hoping she'll like them having more light - the side branches are healthy so hopefully will now be able to work better, they do seem to be growing faster already, maybe its just her improving in general. Did someone say something before about some Diesel ryders having purple in them? I see purple in some, but I dont think its in a bad way,I was hoping it was a natural trait...?


Active Member
just curious, do they smell much cuz i was goin to try and grow some white russian x blueberry and i wouldnt want company to smell 'em


Well-Known Member
I can smell them in the room theyre in and sometimes in the house but its not really an issue for me. If you really cant let anyone smell them it would be very difficult to hide it all the time I think


Well-Known Member
Hiya! Well things are better actually! I think I found problems- simple nute defficiency! After I repotted * and retard they improved loads (though still show signs of damage) and I started feeding X and shes doing great, though again has lasting damage. But shes quite big now. Because I heard so much that Miracle Grow is too strong I never thought a simple nute defficiency would be a problem but maybe its because I was flushing them a lot to get rid of nutes coz I thought the MG was too strong. I also think Ive left if too late to repot which has effected them. But I think Im back on track now.

Pics are

X (white russian)
Now 8 1/2 weeks (definately behind schedule- going to need longer than 10 weeks). Doing a lot better now shes getting fed!

* and retard (who are from a LR mix pack)
6 weeks old, think they too have been stunted and are behind so will need longer than 9 weeks. They are still small, maybe from late repotting, maybe genetics, but theyv got a lot more green since repotting and the leaves seem to have repaired themselves as much as they can. * is bigger with more pistils.

The 2 younger White russians
About 7 weeks. I thought one of these was a boy. It was left in the back of the cuboard then left totally out of the light for a few days and started going pale then I was going to throw it out so gave it one last look and saw pistils! So she got a nice new pot and is actually probably the healthiest! These two arent getting big like X yet tho. I left the other one way too long to repot as well and it has gone a bit yellow. Again, probably stunted and will need longer.

And last but definatley not least (woops!) my little Dieselryders
3 1/2 weeks. Today I found 1 girl, the others arnt showing yet. Im going to try and be on top form with these and get them repotted in good time etc so I finally have some healthy plants!

So, even though things might not look so good to someone who's used to lovely healthy plants Im actually quite pleased with everything at the mo coz although theyre damaged at least they havnt died yet! And X really has shown a big improvement which is cool. No idea when harvest time will be tho coz with all the damage theyre behind. Ill have to wait and see!


Nexus Polaris

Well-Known Member
Hate you ran into the nute prob and got you behind schedule. They gonna pull through. I burned the shit out of my diesels with the recommeneded nute dose on the bottle but they are coming back. Cant wait to see some bud shots of the Russian, you got a nice variety goin.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
looking good queen, im thinking of trying the russians next, let me know how the smoke is.soz to hear about the problems but hey if u dnt get them u wont learn lol.neways good luck and happy growing.


Active Member
I just read about 2 pages back about yoou having a issuing with eating, well today i was on a hunt for a small fan to screw to the top of my grow room, but because its winter here they had heater fans. But one specific model had a fan that could be used seperately or with the heater, if you installed one of these into your grow room and you had a ventilation fan this could possibly heat them up, $15 to.


Well-Known Member
I think Ive got my temps sorted - one lights on all the time now which gives some heat - thanks anyways tho!

Anyway, an update;

X (big one in the 2nd pic, on the right) is 10 1/2 weeks, nice and big and bushy but the buds arnt half as big as most I see, but still very impressed with her progress. The pistils at the top are turning brown - Im thinking maybe 2 weeks left? Maybe more.

The 2 younger White Russians (2nd pic, top left and 3rd pic, bottom right) are nearly 9 weeks, small but bushy, the one I thought was a boy has loads of big fat pistils. Not really any browning of the pistils yet, few weeks more for them I think

Star and retard (3rd pic top and bottom left) are 8 weeks. Retard has barely anything on her! But she has the most brown pistils so Im hoping in about 2 weeks she'll be a lovely taster of what's to come! Star is a bit bigger and has more buds but still isnt anything to write home about. Shes got lots of, erm, whats it called the white powdery stuff, minds gone blank, lol.

The older diesel (first pic bottom right) is 6 weeks and because I repotted it with the other diesels its been stunted a bit. It already has a pistilly head.
Out of the 7 younger diesels (now 5 weeks) 4 turned out to be girls, although one showed late so got repotted late and has been stunted (it really affects them!) - thats the smallest one at the back, the other small one is a boy diesel Im keeping for now to keep my options open. The 3 diesels I got repotted in time (1st pic, top and bottom left and top right) are really going for it! One in particular has got really tall! I hope they keep up their good work!



Well-Known Member
looking good queenbee, glad your problems are a little less problematic :lol:

i hope it works out from here on for you and you have some good smoke in a few weeks.

oh and i think the word you were trying to find was trichomes? :weed:


Active Member
QueenBee, I was wondering where you ordered your seeds from?
All the website I checked out for this strain of LowRyder didn't seem very legit.


Well-Known Member
hey queen, happy new year,

so how are the plants doing? been a while since the last update?

share some pics :weed:


Active Member
Can you tell me what nutes you are using on your auto flowering plant and where you have got it from as i live in the uk and i am finding it nearly impossible to find any thing in my local gardening store to grow my babies.


Well-Known Member or something like that!! usually AF strains need little if any feeding go organic and place all you need in the soil. by this i mean buy the plagron batmix add 20% worm castings, high P bat guano and perlite. use a low nute potting soil wich u will mix with high N bat guano or other guano i use pelecan guano 20% worm castings and perlite i place 3/5 of plagron mix and 2/5 of low nute potting soil in the pots i place the plagro at the bottom mix an area of 1,5/5 with both soils and on top only low nute soil. this will keep your plants well fed for about 5 weeks and wont burn seedlings then u can feed with teas guano teas and molasses teas. i also have a cellmax bloom formula with high NK which i add slowly(1/4) of dose and build up according to plant needs!! in general AFs need little feeding compared to normal strains. just a suggestion of course others have found complete nute cycles from one brand better i dont. hope this helps!!


Active Member
im going to use miracle grow potting soil right thru aswell as either miracle grow plant food or liquid tomato plant food will this be ok plus for lighting i am using two 11 watt cfls but i am also going to buy some lowryder seeds so will all of the above be ok to grow them and get a decent harvest off them