Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!


Well-Known Member
I dont believe anyone has cloned lr2. sorry too many people said you cant. you dont have to lie to have friends whoever said that.


Well-Known Member
word. it starts flowering after just like 3 weeks, and its hard/not possible to clone that young. but wait........

what about topping? couldn't you top it after like three weeks? then use the top as a clone??


New Member
word. it starts flowering after just like 3 weeks, and its hard/not possible to clone that young. but wait........

what about topping? couldn't you top it after like three weeks? then use the top as a clone??
mm...good question nigga....lowryders are best to be seedewd atleat 1 u can just use seeds for the next grow.....the questiojn is not if you can clone it,which u cant..BUT WHY WOULD YOU??.....we clone to keep mother plants..the thing is if u do mange to clone it,that plant will flower right theres no poin in cloning it at all..just use 1-2 plants to make seeds..:hump:


Well-Known Member
huh, iinteresting....u think after it spends a week or two getting roots it will go straight into flowering, picking up where it left off? i suppose so


Well-Known Member
well i dont think its low rider but i dont know it was bag seed when my buddy got it then i got a clone of it from him and he told me it was autoflowering strain and i was giving him a hard time and stuff i didnt believe him untill i grew the shit for my self its like a regular plant that flowers on its own and i have cloned it several times well diffrent plants because i cant keep a mother when you first transplant clones into a 8 gallon bucket they actually veg a little try to fill out the bucket once i need to get some pics for you guys right now this plant will yield up to 3 ounces per plant without co2 i love this plant i also made babys with it as the mom and ak48 as daddy i have those going about week and a half into veg in 2 litre bottles in grow room with 2 auto flowers i have some bag seed that i sexed and are nice and bushy also i took 15 clones today 5 where from autoflower i will have to track progress no one believes me it can be done


Well-Known Member
yea I def need some pics of that crazy sounding shit? 3 and a half oz a plant auto flower clone? you could retire in 5 years off a golden goose like that! If there was such thing!


Well-Known Member
Since you dont give plants nutes for 3 weeks and lowryders start blooming in 3 weeks should you only use bloom nutes for this plant?


Well-Known Member
when i said it would yield up to 3 oz that because i got 2 ounces a peice so far without really trying this time i put the clones straight into the larger 8 gallon pots and they are vegging more lots of good clone material ..i find that the smaller the pot the quicker the flowering time what i have noticed that this autoflowering strain is not triggered by time.. the larger the pot the longer it take to flower .. when i started the last batch of clones in 1 gallon buckets they just took off with the budding in the 8 gallon pots they are vegging alot more getting alot bigger so this time i am hoping for 3 ounces a peice which isnt a bad guess as last time plants where much smaller .. and yielded 2 ounces dryed and cured maybe a grow log is in order .maybe i have some rare strand of weed unless im the only one that can sucessfully clone an autoflower and still get a decent yield .. im not bsing anyone although i am very high


Well-Known Member
this is one of the first auto flower clones i have taken a couple of grows ago

same baby a little older

this the same autoflowering plant 18 hours

this one is the mother of the one abouve

this is the same plant further ino maturation

this is the same plant diffrent angel

18 hours of light this one was right around 2 ounces when dryed and cured first auto flower i grew

the 2 autos i have going now are just clones from the first set of pics.. and those are looking good no pics yet but i plan on doing that on my next break i forgot to on my lunch break to damn stoned i guess:)

i also have 2 white widow feminized seedlings out of 3 that have their first set of pointy leaves excited got them from attitude seed bank 5 pack i still have 2 left made by seedman or something


Active Member
I'm charging the batteries to take some pictures of my lowlife ak47's. They've got two weeks to go. I'll post some pictures later.


Well-Known Member
in this pic we have my 2 latest autoflower clones that look like they are vegging nicly starting to bud and in the 5 gallon bucket it some random bag seed from some real fruity smoke

this next pic is just a pic of the plant abouve next to iguana bloom bottle

another bag seed from the same bag i sexed it when it was tiny and i tied this plant down a few times is how it got so bushy

this is hot water heater area 2 seedmans ww and the rest are seedling of my own strain that i made

this is just another pic of the bag seed by itself this plant was looking really bad a few days ago but some worm casting made it nice and green again (same plant pictured abouve with the 2 autos)


Well-Known Member
dam guys so many nice pics of autoflowers here now i have to upload mines hehe ill post them up later today


Well-Known Member
whats up man? very nice dwarfs dude! I am doing 10 white dwarfs outdoor next week and I have 2 questions. Did you just use bloom nutes, or did you use veg nutes for 3 weeks and then switch? Can you suggest a safe pesticide for these? Thanks man!